chapter 9

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Felix groaned as he opened his eyes. His head was still aching from the day before. He shifted positions and liked beside him.

Like always, he jumped up in shock as he saw hyunjin sitting on the edge of his bed yet again, shamelessly staring at Felix’s sleeping form.

He sat up straight and almost fell off the bed, if it wasn’t for Hyunjin grabbing his arm and pulling him back on the bed.
“Gotcha.” he chuckled. Felix groaned.
“You need to stop scaring me like that.” Felix said grumpily. His head was starting to hurt again. He lifted his hands to touch the place where it hurt, and he wasn’t surprised to feel a bandage. A silence fell. Felix fiddled with his fingers as he slowly woke up a little more.

“We should change the bandage.” Hyunjin said, finally breaking the silence. Felix nodded; and tried to throw his legs off the bed. Hyunjin suddenly stood on the other side of the bed to help him up, but he didn’t really question how he had gotten there so fast.

“Why the fuck are you even watching me sleep?” Felix chuckled. “That’s simply freaky.” He added  Hyunjin smiled, and somehow Felix managed to miss his redding ears.

“You just look very peaceful when sleeping. I kinda miss seeing that.” He admitted. Felix frowned in confusion.
“You miss seeing a sleeping guy’s face?” He chuckled. Hyunjin laughed and shook his head.
“No.” He rolled his eyes dramatically. “I miss seeing someone look peaceful, without them being dead.”

Oof, he really shouldn’t have added that last part.

A thick and uncomfortable silence fell over the two.

Hyunjin gulped. “So the bandage.” He said.
"Yes, the bandage.” Felix scraped his throat.

After they were finally done with successfully replacing the bandage with a cleaner one, Felix had gone upstairs again to sleep. For some reason he really couldn’t get enough sleep, and felt tired all the time.

Hyunjin sat beside Felix again. He gulped, and pressed his lips together.
Felix was simply laying on his back, one hand above his head and one on his stomach. His lips were parted slightly and his face was just a little puffy, giving him the well known cuteness.

Hyunjin lifted his hand up, and gulped. For some reason he really wanted to touch that face. Those freckles. That cute button nose. Those lips.
Those goddamn lips.

Hyunjin pressed his lips together again and pulled his hand back in a flash. Felix groaned in his sleep, scaring Hyunjin into thinking that he had woken the younger up. He gulped.

Without him even realising, he had his hand in the air again. It lingered in front of Felix’s face. Hyunjin could feel his soft breaths against his hand.

Very slowly, he let his hand descend down. The tip of his index finger ended up resting on Felix’s nose. Hyunjin felt his face heating up. He immediately pulled back.

God… what is happening to me?

As you might be able to tell, I really dislike this book.
I have a complete 'art block', if you wanna call it that way. I have tried to calm down from it by focusing on another story, but that didn't really work.

I think my biggest problem is that I know how to end the book exactly, I just don't know how to continue it. So I'm very sorry to say that I will skip a big part of the book, so I don't have to write it out in chapters, and just get to the part I really wanna have written down.

The Ghost at the end of the Hallway ~ Hyunlix Where stories live. Discover now