One Night Stand (Chapter 3)

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“Really?” Felix gasped. “By whom were you killed?”
“My dad.” Hyunjin said, way too casually.
Felix went quiet for a moment. “Oh-oh uhm… sorry.” Felix stuttered.
He wasn’t even sure why he said sorry, he just felt guilty for bringing it up.

“Don’t be. You asked nicely.” Hyunjin shrugged his shoulders. Felix nodded. He felt extremely awkward suddenly.
“Is it rude to ask how he killed jou?” Felix asked.
“Curious aren’t we?” Hyunjin chuckled. When he got no further reaction from Felix he just shook his head. “Not at all. He poisoned me and my mom during dinner.” He said. Felix felt disgusted.

How could you do that to your own family? He couldn't imagine even hurting his own family with words, let along kill them. He must've been a really sick person to be capable of that.

“Do you know why?” Felix asked, once again way too curious.
“No. I guess he was drunk or had some kind of existential crisis. Either way I haunted him till he threw himself off of the stairs. He was old anyway.” Felix felt confused by the casual tone Hyunjin sat up. Did he really not care or was he just pretending?

This really was too much for his brain, he was extremely overwhelmed and he wasn’t sure if he was actually awake or not. Should he believe this said ghost? Probably not right?

“Oh god please say I’m dreaming.” Felix mumbled to himself. He bent his head over and slowly started massaging his temples.
“Are you tired?” Hyunjin asked. No, it may have been said as a question, but it was a statement.
“Of course I am.” Felix looked up and grunted. He had a slight headache throbbing in his head. “You think I’ll be able to have a nice rest on the floor?”

“I should’ve probably moved you, indeed.” Hyunjin said. “I apologize, I didn’t mean to worsen your back.”
“My back-?“ But he was right. His lower back was indeed throbbing. That only happens when he strains it too much for a too long time, or lays in a wrong position, but it’s still annoying.

He used to have a hernia in his back, he doesn’t even remember how he got it. He just one day woke up with excruciating pain in his back.

“How did you know about that?” Felix asked. Hyunjin just shrugged his shoulders. Felix sighed. Done with his mind playing tricks with him, because surely this wasn't real, right?
“I’m going to bed. And I shall thank the heavens when you turn out to be my imagination.” Felix sighed again.
“Am I that tiring to hang around?” Hyunjin chuckled.

It had been just a joke but Felix got quite annoyed by it.
“Nooooo.” He said sarcastically. “After haunting me for two nights in a row and scaring the shit out of me of course I’m not tired!” He rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

He eventually got lost in the house. He had no idea if this was Hyunjin’s doing, but he had a strong suspicion that he indeed had. As he wandered the hallways he just looked at the many paintings, all portraying something different.

He somehow managed to get to his room. He stepped in and locked it, he knew it wasn’t going to help against a ghost but that was probably just his imagination playing with him anyway.

Maybe I’m just lonely.
Am I horny?
No right?

He sighed.
Should I go on one of those one night stand apps?
He had always disliked those, despised them, he didn’t really know why but he always wanted to meet the person he’d have sex with first.

Maybe it’s just good for losing the imagination of a handsome dead person.

Either way he went to google and searched for the best app he could use in this situation.

The Ghost at the end of the Hallway ~ Hyunlix Where stories live. Discover now