Devils pit

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Does anyone watch The Vampire Diaries, if you don't then you haven't lived, I say this because it is amazing! Damon all the way! *cheering for characters* Go listen to amen omen by Ben Harper, I love the song! Plus it's featured in one of the most heartbreaking moments in TVD! I have said this in my other book and this one for the main reason I thought it went well with the story. :)

Drum roll for the next chapter please, *hears drum roll in the distance* thank you... Enjoy! *takes a bow and disappears into thin air*


Waking up from the darkness didn't mean I had escaped darkness in a sense as it still surrounded me, my wings had disappeared, so much for badass wings and their loyalty to me, they belonged on my back, well at least I think they did... I looked around and realised I was in a damp cave, it was also freezing! I shivered and started to hug myself. You'd expect hell to, you know be fiery and all. This wasn't how I'd pictured the place at all; I thought there would be fire and burning souls, screams and other scary stuff happening, but no... it was quiet and cold. Picking myself off the floor, I straightened my appearance and began walking through the cave.

A strong gust of wind caused my hair to blow into my face. I saw that it had changed to midnight black, I screamed and stamped my foot, why in hell did my hair change colour! The angels were going to pay! They never told me where I could find the devil or what would happen to me! I continued down the tunnel of the cave hearing the water squelching under my feet. I came to a sudden stop at the edge of the cave, looking down I saw an endless pit of darkness that seemed to stretch on forever. The pit was made out of black stone that shimmered slightly as if it had been dusted with glitter. I stumbled as another gust of wind came down the tunnel, I gasped when I nearly went over the edge. My heart beat felt like it was going to explode. Thinking it best to stay away from the edge of the cliff, I made my way around the side. The angels had sent me down to hell on a mission and I was going to complete it. I wonder what the devil looked like, I knew he didn't have horns and a tail, whoever made that up was pathetic! He was known to be the most beautiful angel in heaven, so why would that change in hell? Why would my hair... All I knew was that he wore a black cloak.

I stopped when I heard shouting and hooves echoing in the distance, I decided to pick up the pace. A sinking feeling settle in my stomach as I got closer to the noise. Five minutes later, I was stood watching thousands of people being pushed into the dark pit by men in black cloaks, this was going to be harder than I thought! Some of the men were on horses and others where on foot. I slowly approached the people and tapped a random man on the shoulder. "Hey where are we?" He took one look at me and screamed, jumping off the edge. I didn't look that bad, did I?

Catching my reflection in the glistening walls, I noticed my hair was black and slightly curly, my eyes were now red and reflected off the walls menacingly, my wings had made an appearance again and were towering above me, I felt the feathers. They were still silky and soft and I instantly loved them. I watched myself in the reflection; I looked suitable for hell that's for sure! I flipped my hair over my shoulder and watched my wings disappear. "Well let's find the devil..."

I tapped another person on the shoulder and they turned round to reveal a women, she had soft blonde hair and brown eyes, she stared at me then spoke, "cool contacts hunny, but that won't save you from the devil." What was this women an about? Save me from the devil...

"Excuse me, but where are we?" She laughed at me before answering, clutching her stomach.

"Where in the devils pit sweet heart, it's were all the evil is sent to disappear forever, the men over there in black cloaks," I turned to where she was pointing her manicured nails, "there demons and take orders from the devil himself," I shivered, not because it was cold, but because she said they would just disappear after jumping into the darkness. Well maybe a little bit from the cold...

"Why don't you call him by his real name? Luci..." I never got to finish as the girls hand clamped over my mouth preventing me to say the rest of Lucifer's name.

"Never say the devils name in hell, he'll appear and rip your soul to pieces, then toss your empty body into the pit," I cringed at her and she slowly took her hand away from my mouth, satisfied that I wasn't going to say anything.

"I didn't know, sorry." She shook her head grinning, she put one of her arms around my shoulder in a friendly way, like we'd been friends forever.

"Why were you sent to hell?" Crap, I didn't have an answer for that, so I made one up.

"I killed my boyfriend and torched my house," she laughed and high fived me.

"Why were you sent to hell?"

"Killed my boyfriend, hid his remains in the back yard and hung myself," she started laughing and I joined in, "I wonder if they found his body yet..." I needed to keep my cover if I blew it Lucifer would know, I laughed at what the women said and continued to stare at the men in black cloaks.

"So what's your name?" I asked politely.

"Cassie, what's yours?"


Me and Cassie talked for a while about hell and what went down and who stayed and who disappeared.

"So if you say Lucifer he appears?" I asked then covered my mouth in horror. Shit that wasn't meant to happen. As if on cue people started screaming and running to the void, jumping in. Now hell felt like... well, hell.

A black stallion came galloping towards us in the distance; a shadowy figure hidden under a cloak came closer...

Well here comes Lucifer...

Muhahahah cliff hanger, don't you just hate those? *laughing evilly* Remember to press the vote button to show me some love! Love you guys and girls bye!

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