Could this be the end?

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Sapphires pov:

All hell let loose outside my cell doors, literally! Voices boomed and metal shrieked. A single voice had my body freeze up. He was here! Lucifer. His husky voice sounding music to my ears, it was like finding water in the desert, unbelievable.

I stood up shakily, dropping to my knees a couple times. Wanting to claw myself towards the door. My body burning up, I pulled fiercely on the chains. Nothing. I let out a huff of frustration. Trying a couple more times, I felt a  bolt come loose from the wall on my left, sweat pouring down my face. I felt like I was finding some of my lost strength, I pulled with all my might feeling the sweat mingle with the dried up blood. I licked my dry chapped lips tasting blood, but still I kept pulling. Until finally the chain snapped off the wall, cluttering to the floor noisily.

Slumping against the wall I took a few moments to gather enough strength and breath to push against the door. Imagine my surprise when the door was unlocked, pushing it open it revealed the most horrific fighting scene I had even seen, well this being my second but you know. Seeing Lucifer again made my heart beat faster. Made my blood pump harder, I felt my energy return slowly.

Hearing Lucifer being funny with Michael made a small painful smile appear on my face, seeing Michael go for the killing blow made me pick up the first thing I found, a chair. Swinging it up and above my head, with my last bit of energy, I brought it down over my head watching it splinter into a million pieces as it collided with Michaels head.

Lucifers pov:

Seeing the chair come flying out of nowhere making Michael crumple to the floor, I was shocked to see a bloody Sapphire standing there, looking beautiful even with the bruises and cuts.

Running over to her, my heart pounding in my ears, I caught the most precious thing in my life before she fell to the ground, "Sapphire!" I scraped the hair away from her face seeing her eyes filled with love. I was shaking like crazy, worry was the only thing I felt.

"I'm fine, just take me home..." her voice come out rough and dry causing her to go into a coughing fit, my heart swelled hearing her call my home hers. "Please, I'm... just tired... I'll just close... my eyes..." with that her eyes fluttered closed.

Unknown POV:
As the sun set in the heavens, a man tenderly carried a women in his arms walking over to the huge black stallion that had caught the eye of many people. The devil and his angel. He gently placed her on his lap, leading the horse through the gates of heaven, then down to the fiery pits of hell...



Upon waking with an immense pain in my head, I let out a tremendous scream of frustration. I sat outside the door to her cell, looking at the disaster that could have been the end, I could have won. This will end and when it does there will only be one winner.  I stood up and walked away, leaving the bloody mess behind.

Well that's it guys! Thank you so much for reading! 😊 I'd like to say a huge thank you to all the votes and comments and reads I've gotten on this book, so thank you! 😁

Also, I'm considering writing book 2, it  might be called... the fate of us. ;) BUT if you want a sequel please like and comment cause I might leave this to end like it does.

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