Seeing him

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Hey guys! I, personally
still think Ian
Somerhalder is the
perfect Lucifer! Do you
Anyways, enjoy reading x

As the demon of a horse came closer, I could see flaming hot fire coming out the creatures nostrils. The colour of the horse was astonishing, a demonic midnight black, its long shiny black hair whipped against its body as it galloped over. I would have ran away, but just looking at the powerful beast, you could tell it was galloping at full speed, the person on the horses back shouted commands at the animal in a strange language. But in a voice I would recognise, as I was only talking to that same crazy man a few days ago...

Once it was right in front of me and there was no escape, the horse let out a terrifying neigh and fire once again erupted from its nostrils as it let out a snort, probably of disapproval. I inched back slightly and stumbled into Cassie, her face ashen. She took one look at the figure on top of the horse, winked at me, a gleam of crazy twinkled in her eyes. I watched as my only friend ran to the edge of the cliff and shouted "Geronimo." I watched her silhouette disappear into the pit forever.

I was completely surprised that anyone would be afraid of the Moron in front of me. What could he possibly do to me that could hurt me, stun me with his good looks that I knew he had hidden under that midnight black cloak? Possibly, but there was also the threat of him ripping out my soul, he liked me too much, he even said so himself, but if I had a choice of the two I'd chose to be stunned with his looks, me and my soul were pretty attached to each other... if you no what I mean.

I didn't know where to look, for some strange reason I was embarrassed about my current situation, so I did the only thing I could do. I stared the man straight into his mesmerising red eyes. He jumped off the back of the horse elegantly and walked over to me, just by the way he walked I could tell he was arrogant and thought highly of himself even more in hell which made sense, because he was the devil and as he proudly told me, the ruler of the underworld.

His cloak swished around his body as he walked over. Still staring at him, he lifted the hood off his face slowly; I mentally prepared myself as I saw what I'd been wanting to see since I first dreamt of him, Lucifer for the first time. I gasped as my jaw gaped open at the beauty that had been hidden beneath his hood. He had a pale yet flattering complexion, a sharp strong jaw, his all to familiar alluring red eyes, full lips and ebony coloured hair. He had some slight stubble, which made him look really, really hot. He was a vision of perfection only god could accomplish, which was funny in a way as he had been kicked out of heaven. His hair was a little bit shaggy and pieces of his ebony hair had fallen into his face, making him look, well... There was no other word, hot.

"A little dramatic aren't we," I smirked and watched Lucifer as he watch me. His red gaze lingered on my face before he shifted and appeared right in front of me, he appeared so fast I jumped back and nearly fell off the edge. I had a sudden sense of déjà vu as a strong, muscular arm appeared around my waist and pulled me back to safety. My breathing was shallow at the fact that he could have let me fall sank in, but he chose to save me again.

"Baby, you wouldn't know dramatic unless it stared you straight in the face... that was just a taster." His voice was husky and deep, I watched his eyes shift to amusement as his arm still lingered softly around my waist. I could feel heat radiating off his body, heating me like a fire.

"So, you are the devil then?" I watched him as he removed his arm from my waist and began circling me like I was his prey and he was the big bad predator. Which in reality... he was. I crossed my arms watching him.

"The one and only," he smirked and took a bow whilst taking my hand and placing a sweet kiss on it. "Now Sapphire, whatcha do to get yourself killed? You do realise... I really wanted to annoy you some more whilst you were human," he said whilst smirking even more than ever.

I blushed slightly getting lost in his mesmerising yet strange red eyes. "Yeah, about that, I was killed by a shop burglar..." I looked away watching his eyes fill with anger, it was quite strange seeing his eyes turn an even darker shade of red. He clenched his jaw and stared me straight in the eyes, for a sudden moment I had the strange feeling he could look into my soul, a bit like Michael had done in heaven.

"Do you know who? I'll kill who ever hurt you! You know I will, no one can hurt you! No one, do you understand!" His fists clenched at his side as he turned to look at the small crowd that had gathered around to watch. "If anyone dare lay even a finger on this woman without my permission, I will personally rid you of your pathetic existence!" He roared with so much venom in his tone, I jumped slightly and continued to stare into the distance. The devil then grabbed my chin again and made me look into his eyes.

"I will keep you safe," he whispered. The devil then brought his face closer to mine, so our lips were inches apart, I could feel his hot breath fan my lips. I wonder what would happen if I ever kissed the devil? Shaking my head at my stupidity, I quickly made eye contact with the man in question.

"You know your not dead, right?" He asked as he moved back, standing up straight, I still couldn't believe he would look the way he did...

"Then how come I'm here?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest, I tilted my head to the side.

"Once you died, you changed. For example, your hair turned black, which by the way makes you look hotter, I like the bad girl look." He grinned at me, I could feel the almighty blush stain my cheeks, the one and only devil thought I looked hot!

"I changed into what?" I asked, my eye brow furrowed together, what had I changed into?

"I can't tell you, but I will in time." He said winking at me. That wasn't the answer I wanted to here! What was I, if I wasn't dead?

"How can you say that?" I said clenching my jaw, tears formed in my eyes, "all I want to know is if I'm not dead, what have I become? You say you'll tell me in time, but you know what Lucifer, your selfish. Why don't you just call yourself by your real name? Huh! Lucifer the big bad overly dramatic king of f**king hell!" I never swore, only when I was pissed. I was breaking down, everything that happened over the last few hours had thrown me about. A few tears slipped out, I tried to look away. I wanted to compose myself, but Lucifer had other ideas and gripped onto my chin. A look of anger flashed in his dark, dangerous eyes. He leaned in close, and for a second I thought he was going to kiss me, but his mouth carried on until his lips were near my ear, hot breath fanned my ear and my cheeks turned to a rose colour.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because at the mere mention of that name, I want to rip everyone's throat out and that wouldn't be pretty, would it? Not for the king of hell, but maybe it would higher my big bad reputation." I stood there in shock not knowing what to do with myself, my tears dried up and a flush of anger surfaced again.

"I think you forgot something, you know the overly dramatic part. Why don't you just kill me for good this time then, I said your name loads of times Lucifer and..." Lucifer silenced me with his finger as he pressed it to my lips, his skin was soft, he leaned back and raised to his full height and I realised then how much taller Lucifer actually was.

Staring up at the towering man above me, he beckoned a man in a cloak over to us. Everyone was watching our little conversation with interest, so I looked back at Lucifer. His eyes were filled with curiosity and I blushed again, damn him for having such a beautiful face. I couldn't see much of his body, but I'd bet anything he was beautiful.

When the cloaked man arrived, Lucifer spoke quietly so only we could hear. "Take little Miss Sapphire to my chambers; see to it that she can't escape." Lucifer spoke with a clenched jaw, never once taking his eyes off me. The cloaked man nodded before grasping my arm in an strong iron hold and began dragging me away from Lucifer, who was smiling at me. He then did something that shocked me so much, I thought I was dreaming. He winked at me then blew me a kiss! He waved at my retreating figure, then climbed back on his menacing horse.

How do you like it so far, tell me in a comment! I also wanted to tell you guys I'm going to update every Wednesday or Thursday at a push! Remember to vote and comment, I haven't heard anyone's thoughts in a
while... So yeah on a high note, it's my birthday on Monday! Vote comment and read, bye!!! xxx

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