Creepy Little Old Women

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Slumping slowly down to the ground, I rested my head against the wall. I had kissed the devil... As in the most evil person to live. The same person who seemed to enjoy scaring the crap out of me and crazily stalking me. My heart rate though seemed to speed up slightly remembering the contact we had shared moments ago. I didn't regret it, in fact if I was being brutally honest I liked it, no I enjoyed it! I reached my shaking fingers up to my lips, to feel that they were swollen slightly. I grinned for a moment. He had kissed me with so much passion, just thinking about it made my lips tingle. My first kiss was taken by the devil. The smile dropped off my face as I hugged my knees to my chest. I felt angry, confused and mostly sad. To make me feel even worse I was embarrassed, he had ditched me the second he finished the kiss. Was I a bad kisser? I mean, I'd totally understand if I was, but it didn't feel wrong to me... I let out a frustrated sigh. He behaved like a total ass!

I smirked to myself suddenly, what would he say to me if I had said that to his face? The smirk on my face slowly grew to a full face splitting grin, I knew what he would have done, probably go all dramatic and demonic on me giving me a lecture on how I was an impolite girl in his loud booming voice. I realised he never referred to me as a woman or a lady, just girl. I took the time to wonder why, I suppose he was a strange person. If anything he was the arrogant one. I mean come on, kissing me then leaving wasn't the reaction I had thought I would receive, in total honesty I hadn't expected to see him drop to his knees and declare his undying love for me... I snorted out loud, just imagine! The most evil creature declaring love for someone else! It was just, I thought he would stick around. I rested my head on my knees and massaged my temple, letting out another sigh. This was going to be an interesting existence.

Making me jump one of the huge wooden doors swung slowly open, an old lady was revealed, she wobbled in after a moment whistling a strange tune I didn't know. As if knowing I was already in here, which seriously at this moment in time didn't surprise me, she without even looking towards me at all, spoke softly as if speaking to a scared child. "Hello my dear, I'm Agatha. Lucifer sent me to take you to your room and to make sure you were comfortable with your new living arrangements." She smiled warmly and her forest green eyes sparkled in the soft light, being cast down by the single chandelier in the center of the grand room. I stared at her in shock my face slowly turned pale as she wobbled over to were I was sat, I waited for Lucifer to come along and throw her in the pit. As if sensing my astonishment she chuckled and softly patted my arm. She offered me a warm hand, helping to pull me to my feet. My bones aching in protest.

"H-how can you say his name?" She smirked, something that looked slightly creepy on the old lady, who at first looked angelic.

She brushed down her blouse, which was an annoying bright shade of pink, with what looked to be a rose pattern and a simple black knee length skirt. Agatha re-tied her black apron around her waist, smoothing down the pink frills around the edge before replying to my unanswered question. "Lucifer lets all those who work for him call him by his real name. It's a privilege, as I really couldn't see myself being destroyed forever by a simple mistake like calling him his real name."

This made complete sense to me of course... Not! Him being in charge of so many people letting them call him by his first name, then I accidentally called him by his first name and I'm told how much he hates it! I rolled my eyes, so he was overly dramatic and this proved it. I suppose I could understand that people who worked for him could call him Lucifer, he couldn't run the place all by himself. But of course he would make a big deal out of me saying his stupid name! I gritted my teeth remembering the drama from earlier and the embarrassing scene he had caused. I jumped when Agatha placed a delicious looking piece of chocolate cake in front of me. "I can hear your stomach a mile away," I realised that it had been growling occasionally since Lucifer had left I had simply chosen to ignore it. Laughing slightly in embarrassment, I took the piece of cake from the women and placed some into my mouth.

The moment the piece of cake hit my tastebuds, the chocolate melted. It tasted heavenly, I moaned in appreciation, "best piece of cake ever!" Agatha clapped her hands in joy, a radient smile on her face. "It's a new recipe I thought I would try out... is it really that good?" Her eyes were filled with pride from her accomplishment.

"It really was Agatha," Agatha smiled pleased with her self. It was in that moment I realised that not everyone in hell was evil, well maybe some, but some people were kind and caring too.

Really looking at Agatha as she cleared away the plates, you could see that her blonde, nearly white hair was up in a messy bun and little silver strands glistened in the light. Her green eyes sparkled with knowledge and memories of another time, which I was curious about, making me believe she was older than she looked. Her wrinkles added a motherly look to her appearance making her feel more friendly.

Snapping her fingers in front of my face, Agatha laughed at my confused expression. " You zoned out for a moment there," I smiled shyly up at the old ladies face blushing. "Shall we be going then Sapphire?"

Brushing down my jeans, I looked for Agatha. She was already stood in the doorway waiting patiently for me.
Walking through the dark corridor, Agatha began whistling again, curiosity begged me to ask her what it was she whistled. "What are you whistling? It's beautiful." I spoke softly, not really wanting to interrupt the haunting melody that bounced off the deserted corridors walls.

"My father wrote it a very long time ago," she whispered, no further explanation or story acompanied the simple sentence though, which just added to my curiosity for Agatha.

Walking round the bend I was startled to see one of the cloaked figures standing infront of me, blocking my way around him or her to Agatha. Agatha noticing my disappearance appeared next to me so fast, I had to take a small step back. I realised that Agatha had began to speak furiously in a different language to the hooded figure. As the conversation ended I had the chance to take in the figures appearance. The cloak was a midnight black, much like Lucifers had been back home when I had first met him in person. The hood covered most of the creatures face, but the most creepiest feature of the figure was the reptile tongue flickering out as it spoke back to Agatha. "It's rude to stare dear, now come on lets be off," Agatha grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled me away from the strange creature.

After a minute or two, we came to a stop outside a pair of small black double doors. Opening them slowly, I stood there in shock. The room was decorated with dark purple wall paper, with matching silk bed sheets. The bed was a queen size, made out of dark cherry wood. The carpet was black with a pretty little silver rug which I knew immediately I would love to run my bare feet through. A black wardrobe was placed on the far wall with a black desk next to it. One black door was to the left, probably leading to a bathroom or storage space. There was a black chandelier in the centre of the roof, glowing softly.

"Do you like it? Lucifer had it decorated a while ago, when you first arrived." She smiled softly at my still shocked face. I turned around and gave the old women a warm hug. Nobody would know how much this single act of kindness would mean to me, not even Lucifer would know and he was the one who had arranged this.

"It's beautiful! Did Lucifer actually do this for me?" I asked, excitement clear in my voice. I let go of Agatha who had a mischievous smile on her face making her look creepier than when she had a smirk. Damn, being in this place I just knew I was going to be having some serious nightmares tonight!

"Yes dear, he was most insistent." She looked around the room, the back to me. "In fact he invited you to the annual ball on Friday, I chose some clothes for you to wear and a few other things, there in the wardrobe." I smiled gratefully at her. Lucifer had invited me to a ball, did that mean he liked me? He did after all ask for a room to be prepared for me. But that could also mean, he didn't want to see me... Maybe he was ashamed of me. I furrowed my eyebrows, then realised Agatha was talking.

"I must go now child, errands to run... jobs to do," she began walking through the double doors, "oh, by the way dear, Lucifer wants you to stay in your room until he tells you otherwise." I smirked, that controlling shit wasn't here, so how would he know? Exploring this place was something that in he few hours of been here became something I was looking forward to doing. Agatha took one look at my face and smirked knowingly, as she walked to the door way she turned and winked at me. She left me alone in the silence of the beautifully decorated room.


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