Chapter 3: Meeting The Ruffians

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Music surrounded her from all sides on a too crowded area of the beach while she stared up unblinkingly at the muscular singer on stage.

He was so... shiny...

She stared in absolute wonderment, unable - and part of her unwilling - to look away as she felt a smile grace her face at the absolute energy of the people around her.

Sam danced to the music and Mallory found herself moving with him. Her body seduced by the sound that wrapped around her like velvet. Oh, this energy felt so good.

Mallory loved dancing, though she wasn't much good at it. But it felt so free moving with the music, not needing to plan your next motion as the music moved for you. It was wild and unpredictable. Perfect.

Then her ears... or maybe it was her Knowing, caught the faintest tinkling of bangles amongst the rowdy crowd.

Micheal sees the girl before Mallory does, and the night takes a turn. There's a shift in Mallory's gut that she tries to look into, but each time it gets cut off, or there's just a blank.

Her brows furrow, the uncomfortable feeling of someone used to seeing at least something, all of a sudden seeing nothing...

She's about to voice this when she sees the expression on Michael's face, and pauses.

The anger that had been ever present in her brothers eyes had faded, he looked at the young woman with beautiful curls, dark eyes and a brilliant smile with absolute awe. And in that same moment, Mallory knew her twin had fallen in love... or at least a sort of deep affection for this stranger without a name.

Anything she could've said to voice her discomfort would fall on deaf ears, and she knew it. The one charm on her wrist seemed to feel heavier, Mallory at once becoming much more aware of the bracelet that represented her brothers.

Mallory saw her Twin walking over to her only to see the woman turning and disappearing into the crowd a second later. She personally didn't feel like following this random girl that she couldn't see in her mind's eye.

"Micheal, where are you going?"

He gave no answer, but followed the woman.


He kept walking.

Mallory grabbed his shoulder. "Micheal!"

He jerked out of her hold and spin around, anger in his eyes again, and it made her freeze before she snapped out of it. "Do you ever have foresight? Why are you following her? You don't even know her, that's creepy Mike. Think about how this must look."

"You are acting like a bit of a creeper Mike. Also starring at her like you did." Sam pipes up.

He glared at them both and Mallory takes a half step in front of Sam.

"Buzz off you two." And turned to continue walking.

"What's up with him Mals?"

"Nothing good Sammy.... Nothing good.. are you going with him or staying with me?"

"Well someone has to make sure he doesn't embarrass himself... plus I saw a comic book store. Let the men deal with this Mals!"

Mallory huffed out a laugh and then tousled his hair. "Men? You haven't even graduated yet you dork!"

"Hey!" Sam fixed his hair. "Plenty of great men didn't finish high school!"

"Don't be one of those then, you'll give mom an aneurysm."

"Yeah yeah! I'm gonna loose him. See ya later Mals!"

She waved her hand in goodbye as she contemplated wether or not going with the boys. But her knowing whispered otherwise.

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