Chapter 11: Lunch With Mom

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Mallory had chalked up the night flying with the boys to a weird dream until Sam asked where she had gone.

Mallory shook her head, still dizzy when she said she'd gotten sick. Before collapsing to her knees, Sam protective enough to help her to the table and get her some water until their mother came down.

Mom was making Mallory some tea to help sooth her stomach and she ate some crackers after she spent most of the morning in bed recovering from getting sick the night before.

She lounged on the couch enjoying the sun while Lucy fretted over her daughter. Not used to seeing her in such a weakened state.

Mallory laid against her mothers shoulder, practically in her lap. Allowing herself to be a baby and simply said that she thinks she ate something bad, maybe she got a bug from the boardwalk, but she feels awful.

They talked, and as she fiddled with the comfortable weight of her necklace, Mallory had a feeling she couldn't tell her mother everything but she deserved to know some.

"Michael likes this girl, but do you remember the boys I came into the Video store with that first night?"


"I think there's something going on with the boys. But I don't think she's satisfied and she wants out."

"Mallory... is she using your brother Mallory?" Lucy grips her hand, looking at her worried.

Mallory thinks for a bit before gripping her hand back. "I think she does genuinely like him... I am pretty sure they do like each other. The potential for it to blossom into a long-term relationship is definitely there... I also believe she sees him as her way to freedom. And Michael, with his heart... and his lack of forethought" - her mother slaps her shoulder with a grin that she returns - "I think he's all to happy to try and be her Hero. She gave him a purpose."

"Your brother has a beautiful heart Mallory. You know this. As long as he doesn't get hurt, and you and Sammy don't get hurt, I trust you all to handle yourselves."

Mallory smiles and shifts her body so that her head still rests on her mothers shoulder, but her legs rest across her mothers lap. "I know mama, I know."

Mallory doesn't mention his temper lately or his actions towards her. Her mother didn't need to worry about that.

Lucy ran her fingers through Mallory's hair and kissed her temple. "That being said baby girl, I want you to know that no matter what. I am always here for you."

They locked eyes before they both smiled and let out a chuckle. Mallory shifted her legs from her mothers lap allowing Lucy to get herself and Mallory a fresh cup of tea.

As they sat and chatted about nonsensical things such as curious sights, funny stories, and Lucy's thoughts on the tall and charming Max. Mallory's thoughts on the boys, how she thought they were handsome but they confused her.

They were vaguely aware of Papa getting up and heading to the kitchen and Sam eventually making his way downstairs, greeting them with a half-smile and a wave before making his way to the kitchen, apparently in no mood to listen in on the women-talk.

They were eventually interrupted early afternoon by a rough shuffling of feet.

Looking up, they took in the -frankly- rough looking form of Micheal Emerson.

Lucy smiled at the presence of her eldest. "Hi."

Micheal froze for half a step when he fully took in the sight of the Emerson women. Mallory tensed up a bit, feeling a strange unease from his glare, though his eyes were hidden behind shades.

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