Chapter 18: Back to Video Store Max 2

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Quick update: I have moved, I started my new job, I'm fully unpacked and moved into my new house (it's a condo, I love it) I had to fire someone for attendance issues (not fun) and overall. I have been enjoying my job and my life.

I do plan on finishing this story, it's not abandoned, however I ask you guys to be patient with me as I've found a new fixation and getting back into my boys has been a struggle. But this story wil finish... eventually. There's two planned chapters left and only one is plotted. I am still having trouble with how I want to end this.

However, without further ado. ((I'm so sorry again for the wait!!)

When she makes eye contact with the lion maned rocker, Paul smiles and bounds up to help her to the couch, she smiles back up at him and lets him support her weight.

"You done fighting with your family?" He asks with a wide grin.

Her smile falls. "Aw Paul geez, was it really that bad?"

"Kinda." Paul chortles as he plays with a strand of her hair between his fingers. Marko, Dwayne and David chuckling as well.

"I'm sorry guys." Mallory rubs her temples, exhausted.

"Don't apologize for a man's foolishness Mallory, it's unbefitting of a young lady." Max sits at a desk at the head of the room, reaching down to give Thorn a pat on the head. "Okay boys... and miss. Settle down."

Everyone sits down and give Max their attention. He takes off his glasses and cleans them. Letting them sit in silence in a casual show of control for a bit before he breaks it by addressing the smallest member of the gang. "Marko, how are you?"

"All healed." He sits up, his cropped top showing the skin of his abdomen to be a bit pink, but nevertheless smooth and lacking in any kind physical trauma.

"Good." He leans back and folds his hands on the desk. "Now, let's talk about what's going to happen."

He looks around at the five individuals he's begun to claim as his "children", before nodding and speaking up once more. His voice firm.

"From the conversations earlier, combined with what David has already told me, I've heard enough. It seems those meddling boys are more trouble then they're worth. I'll have to tell Lucy the truth sooner rather than later. Mallory dear, you said you were going back to your home tomorrow night, so that third night, after I inform your mother of us, we are gonna have you finish your transformation. Boys make sure to stake out a good hunting spot. Also, make sure those silly boys don't do anything else reckless."

Max gives Mallory a kind smile, but a look that would accept no argument. "I would appreciate it if you continued to watch over my boys during the day to ensure their safety. I will release that traitorous girl and the child from my custody tomorrow night if this is how far they're willing to go. We don't have need for such disobedience."

Dwayne tenses. "Laddie too?"

Max simply levels him with a stare. Dwayne is quick to avoid his stare but he still tenses his jaw. Max continues to stare with a head tilt that was in no way human, dropping the disguise as his true nature embraced his posture. "Is that gonna be a problem?"

"Sir," Mallory cautiously speaks up, her gut pushing her to even as common sense screams at every part of her to conserve her own safety. "If I may speak my mind."

Max moves that gaze to her. She tenses but still gives him that middle child smile. "It would be good for Laddie to be... umm, released from your custody, he is too young after all and having him forever stuck that age may cause some problems later on. That doesn't mean he needs to separate completely."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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