Chapter 13: Ruckus Around The Fire

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Dinner had ended without much ceremony.

Mallory ended up running out of the house after saying a rushed goodbye to Max and her mother... after of course swindling Sammy into helping Lucy clean up.

It gave her a bit of a surprise when Grandpa caught her attention and told her to take the Ford Fairlane 500 to be safe. And to just bring it back unscathed and with a fresh tank of gas.

He hadn't joined dinner. Which wasn't a surprise, he wasn't fond of company, but he still got himself a plate. Which satisfied Mallory enough considering his.... Situation... but he brushed her away with a smile when she kissed his cheek in thanks and retreated back into his taxidermy room without a sound.

The boardwalk was as it always is. The sounds of carnival music and delighted screams filled the air as street vendor food, body's and vehicle fuel wafted on the salty sea breeze.

It had... become comforting in a way. The sounds, the smells... the energy. She understood why many were so fond of it.

And it didn't take her long to find her twin. Wandering aimlessly in the crowds looking as if he'd been on a hunt that had been painfully unsuccessful.

She intercepted him with ease. And he paused when he spotted her, his stance defensive. They stared at each other, sizing each other up. Both wondering who would make the first move. She sighs, knowing he's already looking for a fight, and she has to stop herself...

As much as she just wants to scream her frustrations at him, she knows that would get them nowhere... she can always call him an ass and throw her shoe at him... later.

The calm to his storm... that's her life, that's how it's always been. The peace keeper, the diplomat.

"Hey Mike..." She says carefully. "Any luck?"

She knows why he came here, drawn helplessly to Star's siren song.

Michael blinks as though that's not what he expected her to say. He takes a step back. His aggression towards her shifting. "No, she's nowhere. I need to find her Mals." Frustration in each syllable.

Mallory nods and takes a step closer to him. "She's become important to you?"

Michael nods and takes a step towards her, leaning towards his strange sister who's always seen things that shouldn't be. "She makes my heart stutter Mals... that's what Dad always said mom did for him when they met... That has to mean something, right?"

And there was the core of it. "Our father had many wonderful tales about their love story..." Mallory gently looped her arm through Michael's.

"And he still didn't treat mom well." Michael said - Not pushing her away like she half expected him to do - as he looked out over the dark beach.

"No... he didn't..." Mallory nodded in agreement.

"I need to find her Mals." Words that almost seemed to beg her to understand.

She couldn't... but she didn't need to understand for her to know this was important to him, and... for her at least - matters of the heart went above whatever grudge she currently had against him. "I will help you... but we need to talk first. And I Need you to listen to me."

He blows out a frustrated breath, and Mallory is almost sure he's gonna blow her off again before he looks at her and nods before pulling her off to the side where they could have a bit more privacy away from the lights and noises.

Mallory looks around, decided this worked. She sighed and looked back at her brother.

"You haven't been a very good Brother recently Mike. Or son for that matter, but that's a different conversation. I... I don't think you realize just how much you've been pushing us away."

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