Chapter 14: A Star's Plea

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To be honest... Mallory isn't sure how she got home as safely as she did.

But the Ford Fairlane was parked back in its spot in the garage, and Michael's bike was parked in its spot under to the deck.

The whole thing had been a blur, Michael riding Mallory back to the car and both of them driving home in a daze.

Neither spoke a word to one another, afraid to admit what they'd witnessed and be forced to acknowledge it as a tangible nightmare.

Or at least, that was Mallory's excuse to not speak to Michael about what they'd witnessed on the beach a mere 45 minutes ago.

Mallory felt numb, like it was all just... too much. She had actually trusted them, and... Mallory couldn't even put into words why she was so hurt, Mallory felt used and she couldn't explain it.

She had trusted them. And then they try to turn her and her twin into... vampires? They were Vampires?

What the fuck?

And they didn't even ask... they just, they took that choice from her. They continuously decided to take choices from her since that night.... Not just her, her brother too, and used her brother as a way to force her to comply... She felt violated.

Why did they force them? Why did they want them?

Mallory suddenly had a sick feeling that they wanted her so they could exploit her knowing...

And yet...

And yet... despite the hurt, despite the betrayal. Why?

Why did she still want to go back to them?

She thought of the image of Marko kneeling in the sand holding the blue jay feather. She wanted to hug him...

And she didn't know where these emotions were coming from. She genuinely didn't. She's known these guys for four days, FOUR!

God she was pathetic...

She was walking out of the garage when she saw Michael park his bike and walk to Sammy's open window.

She felt her eyes widen and a gasp escaped her lips when he flew into the window with a leap.

Her knees wobbled and she fell against the building.

He flew! Just like Sammy said.... Was she truly so blind... how... also what the hell!? Vampires were real? What the actual hell!?

She put a hand over her mouth and dug her teeth into her palm as her other hand gripped her hair as she let out a strangled scream.


It takes her 4 minutes to compose herself as she stumbles towards her house. The jerkiness of her actions causing the charms in her bracelet to tink. As she moves into the kitchen, nearly in shambles, she bites back a sob as she turns on the cold water and puts her head under the spray. Letting the cold liquid calm her nerves.

When she finally collects her faculties, she throws a towel over her shoulders and starts to make her way upstairs where she hears Sammy and Michael going back and forth.

"- with me, i can help you, it'll be okay."

"Who's helping who?" Mallory sighs as she walks in.

"Mals!" Sammy sounds in his heel to face her.

"Me.." Mallory sigh with a sarcastic tone as she lays down on Sammy's bed, exhausted. "You were right by the way Sammy... I'm sorry for doubting you."

"It's fine. But know I do expect to be taken more seriously from now on." Sammy yanks a blanket off her before her hair can get it wet, much to her disgruntled moan. "You guys should only be half. Which means you aren't fully vampires, you guys have a chance to go back to being Human!"

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