Chapter 9: Taking The Leap

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Mallory couldn't recall much about how she ended up here. At a steel and wooden viaduct for a train under the moon, over a deep crevice filled with fog. Her mind was so fuzzy. Her emotions in a pleasurable haze that colored the world in a silly joy she couldn't help but indulge in.

She couldn't even say how long the laughing and music played before David... Yes... it was David, it was always David in control... settled them all down and threw an arm around Mallory as Paul and Marko flanked Michael.

He had announced they were going for a ride. The smell of cigarette smoke and the cool feel of his leather against her skin comforting her, making her relax against him as he held her secure.

Then they were on the cliffs, near the bikes, Mallory having no recollection of moving there. David's arm still around her holding her steady and Michael also had a cloudy look in his eyes, Paul and Marko beaming at her.

Then they were riding, Mallory still with David, pressed tightly against his back as they rode. The ride smooth, and Mallory, for once, feeling truly safe on the back of a bike. She nuzzled closer into his back.

Feeling, rather than hearing him chuckle as he reached back and pat her thigh.  His touch cool and calming on her skin as he caressed it.

When they reached their destination, this old bridge with train tracks down the center, she looked around somewhat confused.

Her awareness beginning to come back to her as she's helped off the bike and Dwayne is there to steady her as the group makes their way onto the bridge. They stayed back a bit as Mallory found her footing, Dwayne holding her safe while the rest of the boys went on ahead with her brother.

She looked up when she felt his eyes on her. Watching him watch her, his eyes still hard. "What?" She whispered, unable to summon a louder tone.

He reached up a hand and gently cupped her cheek. Pain shooting through her abused cheek at the soft caress. She flinches away the touch with a hiss and gently backs away. "I-sorry. Dwayne it still hurts..." The bruise from that surfer Nazi still stinging.

"The balm helped a lot though... I never properly thanked you for that. I really did appreciate it. I hope you know that, my leg feels much better."

Dwayne's eyes go a bit harder as he eyes the bruise. "It still hurts?"

"Well it's only been 24 hours. I don't heal that fast you know. But I'm okay." She smiles up at him and she steps towards him again. "Though I am still angry at you all for that stunt you pulled in the caves. I didn't wanna drink you know."

Dwayne nodded like it was the most logical thing in the world. "We were selfish. We wanted you to join us." As if that explained everything. And to these guys... maybe it did.

She sighed. "I could argue how that's just wrong in so many ways... but I won't, because I'm having a good time." She grins up at him.

"Come on you two!" Paul titters back at them. "You're gonna miss the fun!"

Dwayne glared at the blonde even as he wrapped an arm around Mallory and ushered her onto the old bridge.

It was indeed an old wooden bridge supported by steal beams, there was little light, but the cavern which the bridge crossed looked deep and foreboding. A thick dense fog had settled within the trench, making it impossible to discern exactly how big the drop was. 

"Perfect timing" David said as he looked around.

Michael looked around as well, tucking his hands in his jacket pockets. "What's going on?"

"Michael wants to know what's going on?" David grinned as they kept walking "Marko. What's, going on?"

"I don't know, what's going on Paul?"

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