Chapter 17: Back to Video Store Max

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Note: So... I went to Ohio for a bit to visit my friends, came home and knew I needed to be careful with spending money because the first of the month is coming up, and a spent a bit too much with my friends... and some Fucker stole my catalytic converter and my Muffler... I was without a car for 4 days. And the repairs cost $700+ dollars... who the fuck steals a muffler!?

I hate people so god damn much. This is why I made this character choose the vampires. You know they wouldn't disrespect someone's ride if they weren't gonna eat them.



Paul and Dwayne stuck with her that evening as Marko went to feed needing to heal his wounds and restore his energy.

David left, only saying he was going to contact that mysterious "Him" that he mentioned earlier. Saying he needed to update him in the situation and how things have changed.

Marko returned first, fully healed, rejuvenated, and back at full strength and also suspiciously clean. He also brought back fresh clothes for Mallory. A white Kaftan dress, a small tear at the bottom, but clean despite its unknown origin.

Her leg was wrapped in white bandages that were a bit bloody, but the bleeding stopped when her skin knit together with the help of the boys blood, and she was able to walk on it with some assistance Paul and Dwayne were happy to supply. The whole situation loosened the tight braid she had hair in, and in the commotion she lost the hair tie, so long curls were loose and in its full untamed glory much to Mallory's mild annoyance.

She found some sandals that fit and were clean. Once her outfit was gathered, and after the boys gave her privacy to change - but close enough that they could help if they heard her fall - she cleaned up the best she could in a secluded cave with a salt water Spring.

It was refreshing and the water felt good, but lord did she want a shower.

By the time David returned from contacting "Him", Mallory was cleaned, ready to go and back in the main area with the other 3 boys, trying to talk them into getting some old fashioned lanterns they could carefully hang around the cave rather than some medieval looking torches.

"Everyone." He called, his voice smooth. The urgency he yelled at Mallory with earlier long gone and the cat-like languid attitude was back. Once he saw he had their absolute attention, he grinned, slow and wide.

"He wants to meet with us... all of us." He looks at Mallory, that same grin on his face as he holds out his hand towards her, similar to how he held a hand out to her at the fire.

His smile widened when Mallory accepted his hand and used it to aid herself in standing up, allowing him to hold her weight off of her bad leg, that - while healed - was still sore.

He looked at the other boys. "It's time to go."

Allowing David to escort her, despite a small complaint from Paul, Mallory held tight to David as he led the drive to the boardwalk. The boys around him Whooping the excitement of the night air.

She only shows a slight bit of confusion when they pulled in front of the familiar Video Store. But they all just grin at her when she looks at them questioningly... before her eyes widen as she realized Sammy had been right all along, and she'd been fooled once again.

"No, you're playing me."

David just chuckles and moves to head in while Dwayne throws an arm around her. "No jokes here chica."

"Ohmigoodness... this whole time!?" Mallory shook her head.

Marco just grins before stepping in while biting his thumb.

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