Chapter 7: Into The Caves

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The acoustics in the caves were impressive, and it was a nice energy as they all filed into this rocky cavern that was perfectly held inside the cliffside.

The wind and crashing of the waves seeming so far away. It was - like her Grandfathers ranch - a sense of organized chaos. And Mallory decided she liked it.

She smiles as she watched Paul and Dwayne interact with the boy, Laddie. Marko still was supporting her weight and helping her walk as he led her to a couch. Dwayne lit up the area with torches and fire pits, giving a warm feeling to the space these boys seem to have claimed as theirs.

As soon as she sits down, she feels the backpack move against her back, reminding her of its presence.

"Oh! I completely forgot! Guys here!" She pulls her backpack in front of her and opens up the bags, revealing 4 large Tupperware containers filled to the brim with different goodies to the point the lids were barely on.

She smiles as she holds one up. "Payment for last night. As promised. And we got a few of the requested snacks somewhere in here as well. You may have to shift through the containers to find them though."

Michael moved closer to Star who was watching the exchange with badly held interest. Mallory didn't understand Michael. She was confused by his actions. She understood he was upset but she still had no clue where this was coming from.

She smiled again when Paul all but bounded up to her and picked her up resulting in her yelp of surprise before swinging her around and giving her a hug. "Fancy Face, you and Ms. Emerson are the best!"

Mallory laughs and hands him his own container distracting him long enough to separate herself from his hold. "Go eat your treats you this place is Amazing."

She looks around at the brightened area and the skylight with the moon shining through. She fidgets with her bracelet absentmindedly as she looks around, seeing Michael long enough to know he was doing the same.

"Not bad huh?" David's proud voice cuts through her concentration as she takes in the space, and she looks at him with a smile and a nod.

He grins at their undivided attention to him, and begins to walk around this empty fountain with a chandelier in it. "This was the Hottest resort in Santa Carla about 85 years ago."

He looks around clearly admiring the place as Paul grabs this large music box from Laddie, having asked him for it earlier. "Too bad they built it on the Fault. In 1906, when the big one hit San Francisco, the ground opened up, this place took a header," He clapped his hands for effect. "Right into the crack."

He came to a stop right next to Michael and Star. His gaze locked on Michael, and that infuriating grin still on his face.

"So now it's ours." He finished.

"So check it out, Mikey!" Paul jeered with a snickering grin, causing the other two boys to laugh with him.

David continues to talk with Michael but in a softer tone, Mallory tries to hear but she's interrupted when Marko brushes her hair. She jerks away from the touch out of instinct before he grabs her shoulder. "Hey hold on, don't move."

"What are you doing?" She begins to turn and look at him, but he holds her steady again.

"You'll see. Just stay still." He brushes a small section of her hair with his hand and then begins to... braid it?

She holds still for no other reason besides she's curious. And in a few seconds he holds up a neatly done braid with a feather woven in it. "There, now you look like a proper Čoxani."

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