Chapter 15: A Deal To Save Marko

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The boys were talking with the frogs on the phone as they started solidifying a plan for "help".

And somewhere along the way, Mallory wasn't sure exactly when, she was fully pulled into her visions, her surroundings fading until she was blind to reality. And, in that trance, she snuck out as the boys started to give into exhaustion and headed to the cave in the early hours of the morning to for the boys to show back up.

Star and laddie, upon realizing she was there, after the initial shock of her presence, tried to talk to her. But so deep in her visions, Mallory was unable to see them.

Though, She paused for a second to "see" Laddie when he gently touched her hand, and she ran her fingers through his hair with a dazed smile.

"Moon high, flames ablaze.
Battle of three to four,
Sky of red signals the end
Beware of the horns under the rafters
The youth shall grow
The sun will embrace once more
For a time..."

She went back to zoning out and Laddie laid a blanket on her lap as Star led him away, clearly off-put by her words.

The boys returned with their dinner still on them and froze when they noticed her one the couch somewhat zoned out and rambling. Star watching her as Laddie played with his toy motorcycle.

"Three in a cave, four above,
Crowns of gold over crowns darker,
Valiance pierced the heart,
Three separate four from one,
Cry shatters the core,
Eternity cut short,
A home destroyed,
Tearing threads of blue from threads of gold."

They looked at the most tolerable Emerson then led her to a private area away from Star and Laddie. When they were alone, Mallory slowly blinked and returned to herself after a few moments.

"You're back." She says. Taking in her new surroundings.

"Yeah, it looks like you are too." David and the boys gather to one side, watching as she looks around.

"I'm here to pay you back." She says somewhat aimlessly. Her shoulders somber as she looks around the space. It was cold in this area.

David steps forward. "Oh? For what exactly."

"The first night we met. You saved my life, I'm here to pay it back."  She settles into a seated position on a couch.

Paul and Marko sit on either side of her, Dwayne stands behind her, David stands in front, effectively blocking her in.

David leans down and looks in her eye, that smirk ever present on his face. "And how exactly are you going to do that?"

Mallory hands grip the couch till they are white knuckled, "before I say, I need you to promise me something."

David tilts his head, his smirk turning dangerous. "Speak Mal."

"Promise me that no matter what I'm about to tell you, my family will have Amnesty despite it."

The boys around her laughed a bit before they took in the grave look in her face. Then the laughter died. "What did you see Mal."

"No, I want your word first."

"That grave huh?"

"I don't gamble with the lives of my family."

"How do you know I won't be lying?"

"I'll know, and then you won't get any information from me."

They stare at each other for a tense second before David sighs and sits in his wheel chair throne. "You have my word. Speak."

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