A new start

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* About 3 years has passed*

I realised that I had overslept when I opened my eyes. Simon was still sleeping on his side of the bed. We had been out late after his concert in Circus arena, which was why I was now sleeping when I should be on the subway on the way to school. I would be late now.

"Fucking hell," I said under my breath, trying to not wake Simon up. He could do with some rest. When I sat up on the bed he woke up anyway.

"What is happening baby?" he asked.

"I overslept and now I am going to be late to school," I said. He could probably tell how frustrated and stressed I was. I picked up a shirt from yesterday from the floor and began getting dressed.

"I will go and make coffee and a sandwich for you to eat on the way and you make sure to get dressed and brush your teeth and your hair, okay?" Simon said. He was an angel. What would I do without him?

"I don't know what I would do without you," I said. Simon got up from the bed. He was only in his underpants. He was so pretty and if I was not in a hurry I would have trapped him in bed.

"Me neither. Get dressed now," he replied with a grin. Before he continued into the kitchen he kissed my lips and my cheek. I got dressed and got into the bathroom to get ready. I pulled my deodorant from the bathroom cabinet and got it under my shirt. I put some toothpaste on my toothbrush and brushed my teeth quickly. I pulled a comb through my hair and then rushed out to get my bag and computer. When I went out to the front door Simon came out of the kitchen with my thermos coffee cup and a sandwich in a paper bag. He put the sandwich in my schoolbag as I got into a jacket that actually was Simon's. It was a bit oversized for him, so it still fit me. Then I got into some shoes.

"Good luck," he said and kissed me before I took my bag and rushed out of the front door of our apartment. I rushed towards the subwaystation and the people around me probably thought I was crazy. No one else was dressed like me and running like their life depended on it. I hated being late. I went down to the platform and got onto the train. I sat down and got my phone out.

"I never said I love you before I went. But I do love you a lot. And you are a literal angel for making me breakfast," I messaged Simon before getting the cheese sandwich out of my bag.

"You get grumpy without breakfast," Simon replied. "And you were already stressed out so I thought I would do your professor and new classmates a favour. Love you too." That made me smile. I got off at the right subwaystation and looked at my watch. It was still a few minutes until class started. Maybe I could still make it on time. I rushed up to the big auditorium and got in, just before they shut the doors. I breathed out. I got into a seat. There was a girl sitting next to me. We did not have time to introduce ourselves before the person on stage was speaking.

"Hi and welcome to our new psychology students at Stockholm university," a woman dressed in colourful clothes said. She had black curly hair and glasses. She spoke clearly and a bit fast. I took notes on my computer and tried to keep up. After almost an hour they gave us a short break. Everyone talked to the person next to them in the auditorium. I turned to the girl next to me. She had dark braids and dark skin. She had glasses with wide black frames.

"Hello," I said. "My name is Wilhelm."

"I am Ada. Nice to meet you," she replied.

"You too," I said.

"So have you wanted to study psychology for a long time?" Ada asked. She fidgeted a bit with her pen. Maybe she was nervous.

"I only realised I had a choice to do anything else than my family wanted me to do. I only realised I wanted to do this last spring," I replied.

"Oh. Your family has a family business?" she asked.

"Yeah, you could say that," I said. She apparently did not know that I once was a prince of this country. I figured that this was not the time to out myself.

"Ada, he was the prince of Sweden," a girl next to Ada said. That plan did not last for long then. Ada seemed shocked.

"Don't joke with me about such things, Emelie," she said to the other girl. She had blond hair and blue eyes.

"I am not joking with you," Emelie replied. "He was the prince before."

"Is that true?" Ada asked. I nodded, but did not really want to admit to it. That was a past life by now. "Why did you abdicate?"
"He fell in love with Sweden's biggest popstar and I guess his mom did not like that," Emelie said.

"Your mom does not like your girlfriend?" Ada asked me. I shook my head.
"Well my mom did not approve of my relationship, but he is actually my boyfriend," I said.

"Who is he?" she asked.
"Simon Eriksson. You know the guy who made the song Sunrise that you love," Emelie said.

"No way," Ada said and looked at me for confirmation, not really wanting to believe her friend. "Are you in a relationship with that Simon?" I nodded.

"Yeah," I said.

"His song Sunrise was on the radio when I first came to Sweden," Ada explained. She did not say more about it. Soon the professor began speaking again. And she did for another hour. When the lecture was over I asked Ada and Emelie had bought all the books for school yet. None of us had, so we all went to the bookstore on campus. There was lots of course literature there. Law. Economics. Psychology. And everything in between. We only needed psychology for now, so that's where we stood. There were a bunch of law students getting their new books for the semester and I could guess that it could take some time to get out. The blue law books seemed heavy and I was happy we did not need one. I could not imagine carrying that thing around campus. And I could not help but wonder if it was a bit for show, that they wanted the rest of us to know they studied law. Suddenly I catched a glimpse of someone I recognized among the law students. Felice. She was in the company of a few girls.

"Felice!" I exclaimed and went to hug her.

"Wille, what a coincidence. How are you?" she asked me.

"I am great. Well, a bit tired as I was at Simon's concert last night," I said. That made her giggle. "And you?"

"I am good," she replied. "How is Simon? His tour is coming to an end soon now, huh?" I nodded. The concert the night before had been the last on his summer tour.

"He is doing good. I think he looks forward to sitting in the studio for a while now actually," I said. Felice's eyes wandered off to my two new classmates.

"Well, I should introduce you guys, shouldn't I?" I said. Felice nodded.

"Felice, this is Ada and Emelie and we are in the same psychology course. Ada and Emelie, this is my friend Felice. We went to high school together," I said. The girls all greeted each other. 

Author's note

I have not updated this story for months now. I got stuck on how to continue and I have rewritten different ways this progresses a thousand times I think, but now I have finally written another chapter for you guys. I hope you all have had a nice Christmas and you all have a really good year coming in 2024. I hope you like it. 


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