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That Saturday came along fast. Before I knew it I was standing outside the front door to Linda's house with Simon and Sara. I held Simon's hand in a firm grip. Saw Linda's face lit up when she saw her children outside her door. She hugged Sara first and then went on to hug Simon. The entire time she talked about how happy she was that we had come to visit. They were home a lot less than she was used to. I felt a happiness I had not felt a lot with my own family when I saw Simon, his mother and sister together. They had a real connection and they truly cared for each other.

"And then we of course have the extra son," Linda said and looked at me with a smile. She then embraced me into a hug too. She had always been so kind to me. I loved her son, and that was apparently all that mattered to her. Simon looked at me with a smile. He knew I did not have this. I did not have a mother of my own who embraced my boyfriend cheerfully. At the moment I was not even sure she would embrace me. I was probably the shame of the family. Even August who had his own imperfections, to say the least, was probably more desirable at the moment. He would at least not paint the royal family in a bad light, like I did by leaving.

"Can I have my boyfriend back now, mom?" Simon said jokingly.

"You are almost never home, Simon. Let me hug you guys when you are," Linda replied. He smiled. I knew he was happy that his mother and sister were happy for us. That they saw me as a natural part of the family, more or less. They were my family, along with Erik. I did not talk much to mom or dad. They barely acknowledged my existence anymore. Somehow that was sad to me. That I meant so little to them after I chose another life. As a commoner. That was truly what I had dreamed of for all my life. Even as a child, when I supposed most kids were in their princess and prince era, I hated it. The attention. That everyone knew your name and you did not know theirs. That people had prejudices on who I was supposed to be before I had met them. I felt liberated from so much pressure. And I could just be me with Simon and his family. I did not have to be anyone in particular. I did not have to be royal. Or ex royal.

"And you can't say that you don't get to have Wille basically to yourself as much as you want to otherwise, Simon," Sara replied with a grin. That made Simon pull his tongue out to her. They were still very much a big sister and a little brother.

"I have been doing my homework and catching up on schoolwork after the competition though," he replied. He had. And he was really effective while working too. Almost done with it all, even if he had been at least two weeks behind schedule.

"Well Felice and I saw you and Wille on a little forest date the other day though. And you did not have your bodyguard with you. How did you get rid of him?" Sara replied. The bodyguard was outside in a car, not wanting to invade on family time, so he could not hear what we spoke about him. Or the fact that we had sneaked out without him.

"That was actually my doing. I have cheated a bodyguard or two before," I said. "And we did not feel like having a babysitter, so we sneaked out." Sara and Linda acted a bit shocked, but I had a feeling they knew that would happen eventually.

"It's not like we were going to be abducted from school grounds anyways," Simon said. And the poor guy would not enjoy our stroll in the woods anyways. We went down there hand in hand and did not waste a moment to make out. Acting very much like people who are in love. Even for the bodyguards that must be weird. I knew that Erik and I had been uncomfortable with it growing up, even if we had been used to it in some way. Well, Erik could not live without security nowadays anyways. He still lived the life that was my nightmare.

"Well you never know. There are weirdos even at Hillerska's school grounds," Sara said. Simon and I looked at each other. I was positive we had the same thought.

"Well the only weirdo around there that I can think of is Marcus," Simon said.

"And I would save you from that weirdo anytime," I flirted with him, while embracing him and kissing his cheek. I felt him giggle against my neck.

"No need for a bodyguard for that," he said and wrapped his arms around my torso. Linda and Sara went on to the kitchen to avoid watching us kiss. They knew us by now.


That night we spent at Linda's house. Linda had prepared popcorn, crisps and soda by the television. Simon and I snuggled up closely together on the sofa. I saw Linda and Sara give each other looks and grin a little.

"So what are we watching?" Sara asked.

"Horror?" Simon suggested and gave me a look. He knew I did not watch horror, with the exception when I could hide in his embrace. Horror was too much for my nerves to handle otherwise.

"You just want to cuddle me. Admit it," I replied. That made him laugh.

"I can cuddle you with whatever movie we put on," he said. "But it is cosy when you want to be as close as you want to be when we watch a horror movie. You are so adorable when we watch horror."

"You like to torture me," I replied and tickled him a little. That made him giggle.

"I like to cuddle you," he defended himself.

"I think you and I decide and let them keep arguing about how they are going to cuddle," Sara commented, looking at Linda. They chatted about what movie we were going to watch and Simon and I were flirting on the sofa. Simon was leaning against my shoulder, looking into my eyes with his pretty brown eyes. I loved those eyes. They glistened at me in the dim light. And his lips formed a precious little smile. I could just return that smile with one of my own. He saw my eyes focusing on his lips and a moment later he was kissing me forcefully. I had my hands on his back and felt his move in my hair. I felt so happy, right then and there. Safer than anywhere else in the world. Because he was there.

"Get a room," Sara teased. 

Author's note

Hi guys! I have had a lot to do recently and have had less time to write a new chapter for you. I have started writing my paper for my course at Uni, made some new international friends and also began training for some volunteer work I am doing beside my studies. I hope you like the chapter and that you have a fantastic weekend.


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