A therapy session

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"So tell me, Simon, how do you feel about moving in at Hillerska?" Boris asked me. We were sitting in the armchairs in his office.

"It's okay. If I am honest I would have preferred if I could keep on living at home with mom though," I said.

"And why is that?" Boris asked.

"I don't like leaving her all alone at home," I said. First we had been a family of four. Then my parents divorced and we went no contact with my father. Well, besides the time I had him buy alcohol for the party they had for Wille. And now both Sara and I had also left home. That left my mother completely alone at home. "And I miss having my own space to be completely honest." I did love living with Wille. Having him close to me at night made me feel safe. I loved waking up next to him. But we were barely apart or had time to ourselves anymore. And I was scared that it would make us feel trapped. That we would suffocate from never being apart and destroy our relationship. I did not want to kill the beautiful thing we had between us. It would be the tragedy of the century if we killed the spark that had been there since we laid our eyes on each other for the first time. We had the love story of a century and I did not want it to end badly.

"I get the impression that you take a lot of responsibility for people around you, Simon. Is that correct?" Boris said. I nodded. I felt responsible for people around me. I wanted people to be happy. I did not want to disappoint anyone. "I believe that you have been taking a lot of responsibility for other people since a young age. A lot of the time that is often a consequence of growing up with an addicted parent. But you need to understand that making decisions for yourself and putting up boundaries for people you love is important and essential. I think your mother just wants the best for you and your sister. She won't be sad or disappointed in your decision. And if you need some time to yourself Wilhelm needs to accept that. I believe both of you are on the introverted side and have a need to be alone sometimes. It does not make the love between you any less real or less valid." I nodded a bit.

"You have been through a lot of changes in a short time. You need to give yourself time to adjust and to heal," Boris continued. The session went on for a while longer. When I went out of Boris's office I met Nils in the little hallway. He went into Boris's office and shut the door behind him. I went back to my dorm. Mine and Wille's dorm. We had put the two beds next to each other, creating a big bed. Wille was laying on the bed with his little snow globe with a frog in it.

"Hi baby," Wille said and smiled as he saw me enter the room. "Did you have a good session with Boris?" I nodded and threw myself on the bed next to him.

"Yeah, it was okay," I said. "And you have been in here laying on the bed when you should have been doing your maths homework?" I teased him a little by tickling him a little. He had a little grin on his face.

"I have started it, at least," he replied.

"Good boy," I teased him.

"I am going to finish it, I promise," he said.

"Well it is due tomorrow so you better start now then," I said giggling.

"And what would you do then? Lay on the bed looking cute and distracting me?" Wille teased back.

"If you don't mind I would need to take a walk on my own to think and clear my head after the therapy session," I said. "I bet I will be back and able to lay and look cute on the bed before you are finished with that anyways." That made Wille chuckle.

"Of course. Go and take a walk and I will work on that horrible maths in the meantime," Wille replied. He gave me a kiss before getting up to sit by the desk. I put on my jacket, beanie and shoes. Before I went out I kissed Wille on the cheek.

"I will be back soon," I said in the doorway.

"Have a nice walk, darling," he replied while chewing on his poor pencil. He was the sweetest I thought as I stepped out on the school grounds. I decided on a walk in the forest. The forest made me feel calmer and that was what I needed. I heard some birds sing in the treetops. The forest had a particular smell. It had rained a bit a few hours prior too. I had argued with Wille if rain smelled. I was of the opinion that rain had a certain smell and Wille clearly thought that I was a bit crazy. I went down the little path against the lake. I had some music in my headphones as I walked. The thoughts went through my mind. When I came down to the lake I saw someone sit on the pier. He looked out over the lake. It was Marcus. I sighed. It was not the person I needed to see right now. I turned around to go back to my dorm. I hoped he had not noticed me. I was not in the mood to talk to him. He was probably the one who had called the press on me and Wille. He was a terrible person.

"Hey Simon," I heard vaguely through my headphones. I turned around. It was Marcus coming after me.

"What do you want?" I asked. I kept going.

"Have you moved in at Hillerska now?" he asked.

"You have nothing to do with that," I replied.

"I think I actually do. You moved after having some paparazzi harassing you and that little prince of yours, right?" he said with a grin.

"I have no time for you," I said and went faster down the track.

"Just so you know it was me who called them," he shouted after me.

"As if I did not know that already, Marcus. Go and bother someone else please," I shouted back. I walked the last way to the school at a fast pace. I just wanted to get out of there.


"Hi baby, did you have a nice walk? You came back pretty quickly," Wille said as I entered our dorm. He was still sitting at the desk.

"Yeah. I met Marcus. He was the one who called the paparazzi on us a few weeks back. As if we could not figure that one out by ourselves," I replied. I walked up to him and stood close behind him.

"He is an asshole," Wille said. "Are you okay?" I told him I was. I was fine. Marcus could not reach me in here. I laid down on the bed.

"How are you doing with that homework?" I asked Wille.

"I am almost done actually," he replied. "So I will be cuddling you any minute. Promise baby." He was such a flirt.

"Take your time, darling. I will be here all night," I replied. That made him smile like a fool.

"I still can't believe I get to sleep next to you every night. Have I died and gone to heaven or something?" he said. That made me giggle.

"What I know of you are still alive darling," I said. He laughed. "Do that maths homework so that I can cuddle you summertime before we have to sleep."

"Hey, you are the one distracting me," he replied.

"Me? Distracting you? How?" I said jokingly. "I am just laying here nicely waiting for you."

"I can't help having a smoking hot boyfriend who is much nicer to look at than my maths homework," Wille said.

"Well I can get uglier," I joked. He just grinned.

"That is not possible, baby," he said and got up from his chair. He was on the mission to cuddle me, I was pretty sure. That his maths homework was not finished did apparently not matter. I did not complain though. If he wanted to cuddle, I was up for it. I actually wanted to do more than cuddle that night. He laid down on the bed next to me and pulled me closer to him.

"I am madly in love with you, Simon Eriksson," he whispered in my ear. He held me close.

"And I might just be as madly in love with you, my prince," I replied before our lips met in the first kiss that night. It was far from the last one. 

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