•(1) Will things ever be the same?

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All three best friends stared at each other confused and Yoon Seo was the first one to speak up. "I'm a citizen." Yoon Seo said and Jung Woon answered with a "Me too.". "Yeah same here." Y/n lied.

Y/n clicked out of her envelope and opened the rules tab

1.) The participants identities will be secretly assigned. The identities are citizens, police officers, doctors and the Mafia. A doctor can prevent a participant of their choice from getting executed. The police can view the occupation of a participant their choice.

2.) The participants have from 8am to midnight to ferret out the Mafia through a vote.

3.)At midnight the one with the most votes will be executed. And the executed participant's identity will be disclosed.

4.) After the vote at midnight all the participants excluding the Mafia will go to sleep.

5.) When the participants are asleep during the night the Mafia has until 6 am to execute the participant personally.

6.) If Team Citizens or Team Mafia wipes out the other team and wins the game is over. Citizens, doctors and police are a team.

All participants identify the Mafia and begin to vote.

"So you're telling me we have doctors and police officers and I'm a stupid citizen?"
Y/n asked her best friends, sarcastically, and they smiled at her.

Suddenly the chat pinged. "Of course, it's Heo Yool..." Y/n thought as she stared at the chat.

"Heo Yool is the Mafia let's kill him" was written by Eun-ha in the chat. Y/n couldn't do anything at the moment so she voted for him and looked at her friends who were confused about how the app got their names and pictures.

"Me and Jung Won are going to head out you coming?" Yoon Seo asked Y/n. "No, I'll join you guys a bit later I feel kind of tired." Y/n kindly declined and they both smiled at her as they went out.

"I guess I'll go outside now too." Y/n said as she jumped from her bunk bed and landed on her feet on the cold floor. "Ouch, too soon for me to die.". Y/n whined in pain. 

As she walked outside and around Y/n suddenly met Hyun Ho.

"Hey Hyun Ho where are you going?" Y/n asked him with a smile. "I'm going to go to the other gym want to come with me?" Hyun Ho asked her politely and she nodded.

As they were making their way to the gym hall they stopped in their tracks.

"You have to be kidding me." Y/n whispered loud enough for Hyun Ho to hear. She witnessed Kyung Jun's group harassing Jun Hee probably because he was preventing them from hurting Da Beom.

"Give me the basketball Hyun Ho" Y/n asked him and he handed the ball to her.

Suddenly Y/n threw the ball as hard as possible on Seung Bin's back and snickered.

"Darn it. Who was that?" Seung Bin screamed and looked behind not to meet one but two figures walking towards them. Hyun Ho and Y/n L/n.

Y/n and Hyun Ho gave each other a High-Five.

"Which one of you fuckers hit me?" Seung Bin loudly asked and Y/n raised her hand and put it down quickly.

"Next time it will be your head asshole."
Y/n threatened him as she felt Kyung Jun's gaze pierce her. "Seung bin, you got so big. Have you been working out?" Hyun Ho asked him sarcastically and Y/n chuckled and Seung bin got even more irritated.

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