•(5) A High Trip

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Y/n was taken aback as Woo Ram hurled his accusation. The room fell silent as everyone had to process what just happened. Some even had their mouths wide open in shock.

The tension in the air was noticeable.

"You are all accusing me of killing Joo Young when she's the one who we should really be talking about!" Woo Ram pointed his finger at Y/n.

She felt overwhelmed as everyone's gaze pierced her. However, she kept her eyes on Woo Ram.

"She likes a person who bullies for fun. You can't like someone like that if you aren't just like them!", Woo Ram started yelling, "Also not only did Kyung Jun take his phone but he did hers too! You both are probably the Mafias!" He accused her.

Y/n stood silently, her fists tightly clenched as she listened to Woo Ram.

When she slowly scanned the room, she noticed that the majority of her classmates around her were speechless, unsure of how to react to the situation.

Y/n then finally decided to speak up, "That's the best argument you came up with?" She scoffed.

Woo Ram fell silent, but his anger was evident in his expression, despite his attempts to conceal it.

"This doesn't even make sense. Joo Young is fucking dead and Kyung Jun is well alive, so why accuse me of bullshit?" Y/n said as she pointed to Kyung Jun, glancing at him for the first time after Woo Ram's accusation.

Y/n noticed that he was also slightly surprised by Woo Ram's words.

"Listen-", Mi Na spoke up and everyone looked over to her, "I don't really understand why Y/n likes him...but Woo Ram don't accuse her because you don't like Kyung Jun." Y/n mouthed a 'thank you' to her.

"Yeah, Woo Ram she's right. Y/n might like him, but she's not like him." Jun Hee attempted to have a rational conversation with Woo Ram, but Woo Ram became very agitated and frustrated.

"Are you guys this fucking blind! She literally likes him. Of all boys an asshole like him!" Woo Ram attempted to persuade everyone, and Y/n overheard Kyung Jun cursing him under his breath running out of patience.

"Well, at least the guy I like didn't make a joke out of me on the internet." Y/n grumbled quietly to herself, crossing her arms tightly across her chest. However, her muttering was loud enough to be heard by everyone.

Woo Ram's patience wore thin as frustration consumed him. In a fit of extreme anger, he picked up his phone and threw it towards Y/n. Fortunately, she managed to dodge it just in time.

Y/n's heart raced as she felt a surge of fear course through her body.

Her gaze darted towards Woo Ram, who tried to move towards her. However, he was quickly held back by Jun Hee and Yoo Joon, who had come to Y/n's aid.

Y/n, after calming down, then grabbed her phone and opened her game tab, "You know what Woo Ram? Screw you." Y/n said as an announcement followed.

Y/n L/n voted for Park Woo Ram

The announcement played loudly throughout the entire center, causing Woo Ram to become increasingly nervous. He scanned the faces of the people around him.

"No, I'm not a Mafia. Don't vote for me." He implored, unaware of the potential consequences his current actions might have had.

As Y/n didn't bother to stay anymore, she decided to leave the room without giving a second glance to the people present.

She walked to her room and collapsed onto the bed, feeling exhausted both physically and emotionally.

As the next announcements echoed throughout the center, she had a faint smile.

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