•(2) Trust

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Y/n wakes up to find herself surrounded by a bright white light that was shining from the ceiling. She glanced to her left and right, feeling unsure of her location.

She sat up and realized she was in the infirmary. "Fuck how long was I out for?" Y/n thought as she touched her head.

"Wait- did Jun Hee carry me here-?" Y/n stood up carefully when she suddenly noticed that her uniform was dirty.

"Ew. Guess I have to change my clothes now.". Y/n left the infirmary and made her way to her room. As she entered, she hurriedly changed into her second school uniform and left.

As Y/n was wandering, trying to find the others, she saw them gathered in a circle.

Yoon Seo and Jun Hee were trying to explain their classmates something on the map. Y/n could only faintly make it out therefore she came downstairs.

So Mi was surprisingly the first one to notice Y/n coming down. "You okay?" She asked Y/n, who nodded in confusion. Jun Hee glanced at Y/n and made a mental note to ask her about her health later.

He continued, "There's a mountain between the trail, and at the end is a village. We just have to find people and ask for help.".

Jin Ha then spoke up, looking worried, "What if we try to leave and end up dead too? What then?". Jun Hee looks at him and Joo Young joins in, "Yes. Isn't it too dangerous?".

Jun Hee attempted to ease her worries, "No. We're safe as long as we don't go over the line. I think we can go as far as the line goes.".

Kyung Jun expressed his frustration, "It's frustrating to just wait. It won't hurt to give it a shot.". Y/n glanced at him annoyed, "He's acting like he's going to go-".

"But do we all have to go?" Kyung Jun went on and Y/n silently sighed at being right.

Jun Hee looked around anxiously and said, "We can't all go. I'll go alone.".

Y/n stepped in the front and scolded him, "Do you have a death wish-? I'll come with you." Y/n said with a bit of uncertainty, but Yoon Seo agreed to come along as well.

Kyung Jun grabbed hold of Y/n's sleeve, "Are you stupi-" Before he could finish his sentence Jun Hee interrupted him declining both Yoon Seo and Y/n.

"What the fuck Kyung Jun- Let me persuade him." Y/n whispered to him angrily and he let go of her uniform. "Fine. Do as you please. Go on become a burden." He shooed her in Jun Hee's direction.

"He can't go on his own!" Yoon Seo spoke to Jung Won with concern. So Mi then grabbed Woo Ram, which startled him, "We'll go with you and Y/n can come too." she said as Woo Ram looked at her puzzled, "Why me too?".

"No, she won't." Kyung Jun stood behind
Y/n and spoke to So Mi. Y/n looked at him and then turned her attention back to So Mi.

"Okay then-", she looked around for a second, "Na Hee, Ji Soo, Yu Joon you'll come too, right?".

Ji Soo was the first person to decline and her boyfriend also declined. "Where's your sense of loyalty?" So Mi asked them and nobody said anything.

"Na Hee, you won't come either?" So Mi said and Na Hee stared back at her. "What a mix.", Hyun Ho spoke and everyone turned to him, "You lot are too weak to hike a mountain. We'll go too.".

"I'll come as well." Na Hee said with a smile and So Mi looked at her surprised. Then another voice, Eun Ha, said she'd go too.

Finally, it was decided that Jun Hee, So Mi, Hyun Ho, Woo Ram, Na Hee, and Dong Hyun would go.

"Did Na Hee and So Mi only volunteer because Hyun Ho and Jun Hee are going?" Y/n facepalmed in her head.

Mostly everyone came to see them off. Yoon Seo approached Jun Hee and asked him to be careful. He replied by saying, "I will. See you.".

After everyone had left, only Jung Won, Yoon Seo, and Y/n remained. Suddenly Yoon Seo was startled and even shocked

"What did you guys say?" Yoon Seo asked out of breath. "Huh?", Both Y/n and Jung Won looked at each other, "What do you mean?" Jung Won asked Yoon Seo.

"Didn't you just say my name?". "Me? No I didn't.". "Neither did I." Both Y/n and Jung Won attempted to explain to Yoon Seo.

Then Jung Won and Y/n started making their way inside with Yoon Seo following behind them.

Y/n decided to explore the center. Suddenly she stumbled upon a rather colourful hall. "A playground door? Hmm, it's locked.",
Y/n concluded as she tried to open it.

Then she turned around and, for the first time after a while, had a smile on her face. A room full of food.

She walked to it when she noticed the smiley- mat on the floor. "How ironic." She muttered to herself.

As she entered the room, she scanned it and then met the stares of three people. "Why is it always you three everywhere?" Y/n sighed and walked up to the fridge.

As she wanted to grab her favorite beverage, Fanta, a hand gripped her arm. It was none other than Kyung Jun. Y/n turned to him confused.

"We need to talk." Kyung Jun told her. "Fine. What do you want?" Y/n replied.

"Y/n are you a Mafia?" Kyung Jun asked her in a stern voice. "Nope, I'm a citizen why? Are you?" Y/n answered trying to sound believable.

"No. So does that mean I can trust you?" Kyung Jun asks her once again. Y/n locked her eyes with his. "Yeah.".

Y/n suddenly mustered the courage to ask
Kyung Jun, thinking it was the perfect moment, "Can we talk? Just the two of us ?".

Y/n peeked behind him to see his two friends, who were acting like they were uninterested in the conversation. Still, they understood her signal and left the room.

Kyung Jun's demeanor was tense as he understood where the conversation was heading. After a few moments of silence, he cleared his throat and looked at Y/n.

"I owe you an apology for the way I've been treating you these past few days." he said, his voice wavering slightly.

Y/n was taken aback it was rare for Kyung Jun to admit fault so readily.

"I know I've been difficult to be around lately," he continued. "I'm sorry for the way I've treated you. It wasn't fair." Y/n listened carefully as Kyung Jun spoke, feeling a sense of relief wash over her.

"I'm sorry too," she replied. "I shouldn't have pushed you so hard." Both of them looked at each other in silence for a few moments, the tension between them slowly dissipating.

Out of nowhere, Y/n wrapped her arms around him tightly, pulling him closer.

Although taken aback at first, he didn't resist and instead embraced her back with a comforting hug. However, the embrace was short-lived as the siren went off.

Kim Dong Hyun was a Citizen.

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