•(4) Blindly in love

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Y/n woke up and gazed up at the ceiling. She still felt tired due to the previous events which had occurred. As she turned her head to look around, she saw So Mi, Woo Ram, Da Beum, and Jung Won sitting in a circle and seemingly discussing who to execute next.

As Y/n sat upright she accidentally dropped her phone and everyone turned their heads to her. "You're finally awake." Woo Ram answered and Y/n nodded.

She walked over to the others and then everyone looking at the mess in the gymnasium. So many people had died due to a small suggestion. "I-I have an idea for tomorrow's voting," Woo Ram spoke up and everyone looked at him, "Let's blame this all on Jun Hee-" he tried to finish but So Mi shouted at him.

"Leave Jun Hee out of this! He did nothing wrong-" So Mi tried to defend him but Woo Ram talked back at her, "How can you defend him So Mi? He got half of us killed!".

"We aren't killing Jun Hee." Jung Won interrupted the conversation. Y/n then looked over at him, who was currently on the floor. "If we want to kill someone let's kill Kyung Jun-"Jung Won suggested and Y/n quickly turned her head to Jung Won.

"We are definitely NOT killing Kyung Jun-And if any of you kill him, you will all be suspected first. Especially you Da Beum ." Y/n lied with her reasoning when in reality she just didn't want to see him die again.

So, Mi looked at her and responded, "It's okay, we're not killing the guy you like." Everyone looked surprised at Y/n and she looked up dumbfounded. Jung Won silently tsked and looked away.

"No way don't tell me-", Woo Ram looked back and forth between Kyung Jun and
Y/n, "You like him? Him? What the hell do you see in him-" Woo Ram asked her, shocked. Da Beum's eyes perked up upon hearing the new information and he looked over to Y/n, looking a bit upset.

"I- Huh? No, I don't like him what are you guy-" Y/n tried to sound believable but So Mi smiled at her. "Don't lie Y/n. Remember the time I gave my "sincerest" apology to Yoon Seo? Yeah, before I came in I heard her mentioning you had a crush on Kyung Jun." So Mi folded her arms and told her with amusement.

Y/n turned her head over to Jung Won and she muttered a "Sorry". As Y/n found herself at the center of everyone's attention, she felt a wave of pressure building up inside her. All eyes were fixated on her, eagerly waiting for a response. After a few moments of silence, Y/n let out a "defeated" sigh.

"Yeah-I do have feelings for him...But there's a good reason behind it. I don't condone any of his actions though. Da Beum can vouch for me because I have saved him multiple times from Kyung Jun," Y/n explained to the group. Da Beum nodded, looking slightly uncomfortable.

Woo Ram's face twisted in shock and disbelief as he stared at her. "I mean, I once suspected it, but now it actually being true-" he began, his voice trailing off as he struggled to find the right words. Before he could continue, Y/n interrupted him, her own expression unreadable.

"Can we just end this discussion?" Y/n asked, feeling overwhelmed by their stares. "Let's focus on the main thing. Who are we going to kill? Personally, I'd prefer not to hurt anyone," Y/n told them.

Jung Won agreed with Y/n. "Why don't you kill Joo Young, Woo Ram." So Mi suddenly questioned and all of them looked over to him as he gulped. "He could never he loves her way too much-" Y/n thought as she looked over to Joo Young lying on the floor.

"Why-Why should I kill her, why don't you do it So Mi?" He asked her back anxiously, and she responded with a mischievous smile, "I mean if you kill her- You'll take your revenge on her for mocking you on the internet. Besides, nobody would suspect you because you "love" her."

"He won't do i-" Y/n thought when she was surprised by his response. "Fine." answered Woo Ram straightforwardly.

He quickly picked up the nearest piece of cloth and knelt beside her body. He tied the cloth around her neck, and everyone watched his movements. Then he started pulling on the cloth, hardly, and began choking her.

But the worst part wasn't that he was choking the girl he liked, it was the fact that he had a smile on his face while doing so. "Die you bitch. You really think you're so special, huh?" His face contorted with rage, and he bellowed at her with a voice that shook the room.

Y/n stood frozen in shock, her mouth hanging open as she watched the bewildering scene unfold in front of her.

She glanced at the others and silently mouthed "The fuck-" as her eyes darted back to the scene. "I used to think he was blindly in love. But I was so wrong-He's actually fucking insane." Y/n thought and she yelled at him.

"Woo Ram stop-I think she's dead by now" Y/n stated the obvious, and Woo Ram slowly stopped. He got off her and walked in shame towards the others. Clearing his throat, he stammered, "I'm sorry about that." Most of them gave him a concerned look but didn't evaluate it any further.

"Let's just go to sleep." Jung Won said and was the first one to walk back to their unconscious classmates.

Everyone returned to their places and fell asleep.

It was 8 o'clock in the morning, and the sound of a lullaby echoed through the hall. The first people started to wake up. Jun Hee sat upright with no visible emotion as a tear rolled down his cheek. Na Hee was already silently weeping, looking over at Hyun Ho.

Mi Na woke up, looking ahead, gently nudged Joo Young to wake up as well. However, Joo Young didn't respond to her touch. When Mi Na looked back at her, she noticed that Joo Young's face was covered with a cloth.

Y/n, who was beside Jung Won, now woke up and looked at Joo Young's lifeless body lying on the floor. Mi Na tried to shake her, to wake her up, but nothing happened. "Lee Joo Young." Mi Na shouted at her and Yoon Seo noticed it so she ran to them.

As Yoon Seo slightly removed the cloth to check, the siren blared in the whole center.

During the night, Lee Joo Young was executed, by Mafia.
Lee Joo Young was a citizen.

As Y/n came closer she cringed at the wound, which Woo Ram inflicted on her. It was extremely severe. Mi Na started crying and Y/n looked away. Then another announcement happened.

Before the last vote closed, the Doctor nominated who to Heal.
They nominated Cha Yu Jun.

"Yu Jun? Then his girlfriend is most likely the doctor." Y/n thought as she looked over to the couple and so did everyone. Both of them gazed at one another and denied the accusation.

Morning has Come. All participants, identify the Mafia and begin to vote.

"I think she was strangled with this" Yoon Seo said to everyone, huffing. Choi Mi Na then ran to Jun Hee and started shoving him.

"I said I wouldn't hand in my phone. I said I  didn't want to!" Mi na grabbed his collar and was still sobbing. "If we hadn't turned in our phones, we wouldn't have slept here. And they wouldn't have died." She shouted at him and he looked down at the floor, feeling miserable.

"You killed them all Kim Jun Hee! It's on you" She screamed at him and So Mi shoved her aside, "Stop it." Na Hee then spoke up, "If only we'd voted sooner then they wouldn't have died." Y/n looked over and realized it was really not looking good for Jun Hee.

Ji Soo then, crying, also spoke up, "They're not wrong. We survived by pure luck. You and Go Kyung Jun, what'll you do about it now?" She asked as she looked at the both of them. Y/n didn't say anything because deep down she knew it was ultimately their idea.

"Did I suggest we hand them in?" Kyung Jun said back to her and Y/n was in a state of shock as she stared at him. She couldn't believe that he was denying it.

"Jun Hee you scumbag! , He shouted as he pointed to Jun Hee, "You said we just have to give up our phones! This happened because of you. It's on you." Jun Hee looked at him, feeling even more hurt by his words.

Jun Hee then apologized and he left the gymnasium.

Nobody tried to stop him.

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