•(4) Accusations

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"Whatever. The class president got us into this. Let's vote for him today." Kyung Jun tried to convince everyone, relaxed.

"You said it was a good idea. Didn't he Y/n?" Jung Won spoke up and glanced at Y/n, causing her to feel a bit taken aback.

Y/n wondered if Jung Won was trying to test her honesty by mentioning her name in that particular way as if she was trying to find out if Y/n would lie for Kyung Jun or not.

"Yeah, he did..." Y/n let out a deep sigh and shifted her gaze towards Kyung Jun, who was already looking at her.

She then turned her head to Jung Won, feeling a sense of unease building up inside her as she continued speaking.

"Why change your tune now?" She questioned him in a serious tone. "You looked pretty relaxed last night. Why did you take your phone in secret?" Jung Won asked him and Y/n looked at her perplexed.

"What do you mean Jung Won-" Y/n's eyes were wide with anticipation as she waited eagerly for any response from either of them.

"You didn't know either?" Jung Won asked Y/n and she shook her head. Jung Won scoffed, "Not only did he take his but also yours. Did you want to get Y/n killed? You are the most suspicious one here.".

Y/n's heart started pounding as Jung Won concluded her sentence.

All eyes in the room were fixed on Kyung Jun, with an unwelcoming gaze. They were all waiting for him to respond.

"Did he want to 'kill' me?" Y/n clutched her uniform tightly against her chest, lost in thought.

"Hey. Isn't it obvious? How are we to trust Jun Hee? He could be Mafia. The only person I trust here is Y/n." Kyung Jun responded to Jung Won and although Y/n felt somewhat relieved, she still couldn't justify his actions.

At the same time, she was overwhelmed with conflicting emotions as she realized the extent of his trust in her, despite the fact that she was secretly one of the Mafias.

"Guys!" Kyung Jun yelled loudly which made Y/n jerk a bit. "Our lives depend on this game.", Kyung Jun started speaking, "Why entrust someone else with mine? I just used my brain." He walked in a circle until he was once again standing in front of Jung Won.

"If not." Kyung Jun pushed Da Beum as he continued speaking "I could've died." He shoved him again with such force that Da Beum almost fell over.

Y/n's eyes widened in disbelief as she let out a frustrated sigh. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me-" she muttered under her breath. Before she could say something Yoon Seo already stepped in.

"Hey. Stop it. Please!" She said to him, emotional, and he turned to her.

"Do you want to fight in this situation?", She screamed at him, "How long must we fight over a game that kills? Won't you go home?" she asked him and he started snickering.

"My God- why can't he understand that he's making the situation so much worse for himself?" Y/n felt upset as she looked at him.

"How can we go home? We can't leave." So Mi asked her curiously and Yoon Seo turned to her. "The Mafia game...If we find out who started it and why. We can find a way out." She answered, but So Mi didn't seem hopeful about it.

"Then we can all get out without anyone else dying. We'll figure out a way later." Yoon Seo confided in everyone, but unfortunately, it seemed that most of them appeared to be devoided of hope or optimism.

"Let's move the others." Yoon Seo said and So Mi was in shock, "Move what?".

"The bodies what else So Mi?" Y/n replied sarcastically.

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