•(2) Bloodbath

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Y/n woke up groggily trying to balance herself. She came back to her senses when she noticed the pool of blood and the shattered paintings on the floor.

Then she met another pair of eyes staring at her. It was So Mi.

"It could have been anyone but her." Y/n's thoughts lingered. As she tried to stand up, she noticed something.

"Wait am I on someone? " Y/n quickly looked down and met an unconscious Kyung Jun. She let out a quick yelp as she freed herself from his light grasp.

"How the fuck did I end up on him? Wait better question, Why is he holding me?" Y/n was flustered then suddenly she felt someone touching her shoulder.

She looked back and saw a similar figure standing behind her.

"Jung Won !?", Y/n shouted, "You're a Mafia-? But I thought in our room you said you were a citizen?" Y/n was confused as Jung Won looked at her with a hint of guilt in her eyes.

"So did you but I guess we both lied." Jung won said in a quiet voice while Y/n was still uncertain of how to take in the situation.

She felt horrible for Yoon Seo. Not only one but two of her best friends were Mafias.

Y/n noticed a few more students waking up and they all decided to rendezvous in an unoccupied room.

Before Y/n could take any step further somebody halted her. "Let's speak, only the both of us. Meet me at the rooftop" Jung Won whispered to Y/n and she gave her a slight uncertain nod.

Y/n walked to the rooftop where she saw Jung Won already standing at the edge of the rooftop. "Jung won what did you want to talk about ?" Y/n asked her calmly.

"Y/n are you going to kill someone?" Jung Won asked in a monotonous tone looking at the hills.

Y/n was rather surprised with the question as she didn't know what to make of it. "I- No not really", Y/n sighed and looked at Jung Won, "What about you though?"

Y/n asked even if she knew that the answer would be disappointing- "No I don't want to." Jung Won replied and Y/n stared at her in confusion.

"Wait what- I don't remember Jung Won not being on the bad side- One's personality can't be changed so why is she so different...I've got a really bad feeling about this particular game." Y/n gulped and contemplated in her head.

"I don't want to hurt anyone. Especially not Yoon Seo nor Jun Hee. It's the same for you, right?" Jung Won asked and Y/n hum'ed in response.

As Y/n felt a bit warm she pulled up her sleeves and Jung Won noticed a faded scar on her wrist.

Jung Won hesitantly at first but got the courage to ask her, "That's what Kyung Jun saved you from, isn't it?". It took Y/n a bit of time to realize what she meant.

Y/n glanced at it and nodded, "Yeah he did, and if it weren't for him. I honestly wouldn't be here right now...Sometimes I do wish that he didn't turn into such an asshole." She gave a faint smile to her best friend.

Jungwon never liked Kyung Jun but she wasn't stupid to realise how much he meant to Y/n.

"Maybe...in the future, I hope I find someone like that" Jung Won softly spoke while looking at the sky and Y/n turned to her.

"Why would you s-", Y/n tried asking but was interrupted as Jung Won continued talking, "You should go to the rendezvous point. I might join later but beforehand I have to do something more important.".

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