•(4) Chaos

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As the clock ticked closer to midnight, everyone in the room grew more and more nervous. They all looked at the clock and then back at the phones. Some even began to question whether they were doing the right thing. Finally, the clock struck midnight, but nothing happened.

"Hey! It's past midnight, but there was no announcement. Did it work?" Woo Ram said as he pointed to the clock. Some students who were sitting down stood up hoping they were finally free from the game.

Some students began to cheer and express their happiness, feeling as if they had finally "escaped" from the game.

"Kyung Jun... I have a really bad feeling about this." Y/n told Kyung Jun who was still sitting down with her as they both stared at their classmates.

Everyone was happy for a brief moment when the sirens went off again. "I knew it." Y/n sighed. Everyone's happiness died in seconds as they all stared at the speakers.

Participants must vote and identify the Mafia.

Suddenly all of the phones started ringing and Joo Young was the first one to run near the bucket but Hyun Ho stopped her, "What are you doing?". "What else? What if we do nothing and die? Are you going to take responsibility!" Joo Young shouted at him and even Mi Na agreed with her.

"Wait. We don't know yet" Jun Hee tried to calm them down. "Yeah let's wait a minute and the-" Y/n stood up from the bench when suddenly a student fell on the ground with a thud and she flinched. Everyone else was shaken too. The siren went off.

For breaking the rules, Lee Soo Bin and Park Ji Hoon will be executed.

Everyone stared as Soo Bin stood up. Then Ji Hoon's body fell on top of her and crushed her. The siren went off again.

Lee Soo Bin and Park Ji Hoon were citizens.

Kyung Jun took out his phone and looked at the warning. Jin Ha grabbed his collar, "What do you think you're doing?" he asked him in anger and Kyung Jun replied, "Vote if you don't want to die.".

The situation turned chaotic when Jin Ha followed by Da Beum took off running. Soon enough, all the other students joined in.  Y/n who was standing a little behind, tried to push through the crowd but found it nearly impossible to do so. She started gasping for air feeling completely helpless, "Fuck I'm so dead-".

The siren went off again. For breaking the rules, Oh Jin Seok will be executed.

Then even more panic arose as somebody threw the whole bucket over. "Fucking hell-" Y/n said out loud. Suddenly she noticed Jun Hee having a panic attack. She ran to him and so did Yoon Seo.

"Jun Hee, what are you doing? We are all going to die. Kim Jun Hee!" Yoon Seo sat down with him and shouted to calm him down. "Jun-" Y/n started speaking when suddenly the lights went out.

Her breaths became heavier when abruptly the lights started flickering red. She then glanced over to see Jin Seok electrocuting herself with the cable.

The siren went off again. Oh Jin Seok was a Citizen.

After leaving Jun Hee to search for her phone in the midst of the chaos, Y/n felt someone tugging at her uniform. She quickly turned around, with tears forming in her eyes, and saw Kyung Jun holding her phone. "My Phone! Oh my god thank you."
Y/n said, her words trembling with emotion.

Y/n took the phone from Kyung Jun and hurried towards Jun Hee. Y/n opened the name tab. However, it was difficult to read, amidst the flashing red lights. So Y/n randomly clicked on a name.

Y/n L/n voted for Yeon Woo. The announcement said.

"Oh, what the fuck. now it announces it-?" Y/n looked around and saw Jun Hee's phone. She then ran, grabbed it, and brought it back to him.

"Did all of you vote already?" Y/n asked them out of breath. "No, Yoon Seo still doesn't have her phone." Jung Won answered. "Fuck, let's find it then," Y/n said as they all began searching for her phone.

The siren began to announce one person after another.

For breaking the rules, Oh Hye Seung will be executed.
Oh Hye Seung was a Citizen.

For breaking the rules, Kang Ye Won will be executed.
Kang Ye Won was a Mafia.

It was a total mess. Still, a lot of people didn't find their phones. Da Beum and Woo Ram were shouting over who they should vote for.

For breaking the rules, Lee Hyun Jun and Park Jung Eun will be executed.
Lee Hyun Jun and Park Jung Eun were citizens.

For breaking the rules, Kim Yeon Ju will be executed.
Kim Yeon Ju was a Citizen

Y/n felt a panic attack coming on as she looked around, feeling suffocated.

Kim So Mi voted for Baek Eun Ha.

"Baek Eun Ha? I was right then." Y/n was sitting down when she suddenly caught a glimpse of Yoon Seo's phone. She quickly ran to grab it and find Yoon Seo.

She didn't pay much attention to the announcements at that moment. Her only goal for now was to ensure that her best friends made it out alive. However, before she could grab the phone, So Mi had already picked it up.

Y/n gave So Mi a glare, but So Mi signaled her to relax. Both of them then ran back to Yoon Seo and handed her the phone. They decided to scatter the votes.

For breaking the rules, Jang Hyun Ho will be executed.

Y/n was pulled back to reality as she heard the announcement. She glared at her phone, "No- No not Hyun Ho." Y/n thought.

Suddenly, Na Hee's shouting caught her attention. Y/n looked over and watched him ascend the stairs. She could hear Na Hee's cries growing louder. Everybody looked at them in sorrow. As he reached upstairs he jumped down the railing with a rope and hanged himself.

Jang Hyun Ho was a Citizen

Y/n clamped her hands over her mouth and the lights turned on. Jun Hee fell on the floor and started crying.

Then the siren went off.

The voting has ended.

With 10 Votes, Baek Eun Ha got the most, and will be executed.
Baek Euna Ha was a Citizen.

Baek Eun Ha then walked up to her "friends" and started crying to them. They didn't know how to face her so they stayed quiet. Jun Hee looked up and started crying even more. "I told you it wasn't me. Why? Why? Why vote for me? I told you it wasn't me !" Baek Eun Ha started crying and left the gymnasium.

Y/n felt awful for the girl who got wrongly accused and everyone looked down at the floor.

Then the lullaby started playing and everyone fell unconscious on the floor.

Night has come

Thank you for reading my book till now and I wanted to thank everyone for the 1k reads🫶🏻

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