•(3) Childish Behaviour

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It was a can of chips. Which hit her right in the head. Y/n groaned in pain, "What the fuck-". She looked up,  still holding her head, to see who hit her. It was Seung Bin. "You little sh-" Before Y/n could charge at him, Hyun Ho intervened.

"Are you okay Y/n?" Y/n nodded still in pain, calming down now, while Yoon Seo checked her head. Suddenly Seung Bin ran behind him with a bucket, "Look out!" Y/n tried to warn him but failed as he hit Hyun Ho on his head. Y/n stood there in shock as he punched Seung Bin back so hard that he flew on the floor.

Kyung Jun then kicked Hyun Ho who bumped into one of the shelves. Fastly he grabbed a chair and threw it at him but luckily Hyun Ho was able to duck. "Can somebody actually tell me what the fuck is going on here?!", Y/n shouted as she looked over to her friends.

Hyun Ho and Kyung Jun kept throwing food at each other until Kyung Jun tried to punch him but Hyun Ho dodged again. "These guys throwing food like we don't already have limited of it." Y/n looked at the two boys. Hyun Ho then grabbed Kyung Jun and flipped him over so he was on the floor.

Y/n didn't admit it, but she was impressed by how easily Hyun Ho was able to beat him up. Then Hyun Ho got on top of him and held him by his neck. Y/n wondered, slightly worried, if she should intervene or not.

"Let go of me. I said let go, you prick." Kyung Jun said as he tried to free himself from his chokehold but wasn't able to. "Are you going to listen? Are you going to do as I say?" Hyun Ho asked him mockingly and Kyung Jun gritted his teeth in fury.

Y/n then walked up to Hyun Ho and touched his shoulder. "Hyun Ho stop." She said and he looked up at her. "We have more important things to do, Let's go." Y/n said as she looked back and forth between him and Kyung Jun.

"Fine, but wait a minute." Hyun Ho signaled Y/n and she stepped back. "Are you going to listen to me?" Hyun Ho asked Kyung Jun but rather louder this time. "I get it, jerk." Kyung Jun answered while clutching his shirt and Hyun Ho let go of his neck. He patted his cheek and got off him. Kyung Jun huffed on the floor trying to catch his breath.

"Let's go." Hyun Ho walked to the others. But as they were going to leave Kyung Jun sat up and looked around. The first object he laid his eyes on were scissors. He quickly grabbed them and made his way to Hyun Ho.

Fortunately, Y/n looked back and saw what Kyung Jun was about to do. As he raised his arm in motion to stab Hyun Ho, Y/n stopped him in time.

She panted slightly as the scissors were only inches away from her face. "Are you a fucking lunatic?" Y/n yelled at him but he paid no attention to her at all. "Come here." Kyung Jun said to Hyun Ho in a threatening tone.

Y/n shoved him backward and he finally looked at her. "What has gotten into you? Are you this fucking stupid?" Y/n shoved him again. "What if the others saw this right now? What would you do then?" Y/n asked him in a serious tone and his expression slightly relaxed. However, he still remained silent.

"Kyung Jun can you please fucking come to your senses! We're literally playing a game where we actually die. So stop acting so immature and make everyone hate you!"  Y/n tried to reason with him, distressed, and he kept looking at her. He was slightly hurt by her words but didn't admit it.

Jung Won approached Y/n and placed her arm in front of her, "What's the point of talking to him? Let's vote for him. If we were to vote for him, everyone else would vote after us. Solves everyone's problems, doesn't it? What do you think?" Jung Won looks at Kyung Jun and walks up to him while Y/n just stares at her stunned.

"Should I just vote for you now?" Jung Won threatened Kyung Jun and he eyed her in bitterness. "You wench-" Kyung Jun replied but couldn't finish as he got interrupted by Y/n.

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