Chapter 14

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"So beautiful is awake" dally said from across the room. I wouldn't dare say anything back. "oh to scared to say anythin back" dally mocked.

I kept my head down and ignored everythin he said. "I know you want me" he said. "you wish" I scoffed and went back to ignoring him.

"Ah finally got an answer, man" dally said. I didn't answer. "this may come to a surprise to you but I'm sorry about this morning" dally said making me look up. "your apologizing" I asked confused.

"Yeah, I guess. but listen I shouldn't have acted like that and I'm sorry to both you and sodapop" he said. "you know sodas got a good arm" he said making me laugh a little.

"I accept you apology, but you have to be nice to me from here on out"i offered."fine" he agreed.

"Hey why are you so mean to me" I asked yawning. "Why not" he said. "There has to be a reason" I said. "don't think so" he said. "no c'mon Dallas there has to be a reason" I said pressuring him.

"Fine because your cute and I like you" he said really fast. Luckily I understood. "I uh thanks" I stuttered. "but I know you don't like me back cause you and soda are gettin together" dally said.

"Um well dally I like you as a friend ya know" I said to him. "ya I understand" he said leaning back in the chair he was sittin in.

There was an awkward silence between us. "well goodnight dally" I said leaning my head on sodapops. "night" dally said back.

I woke up the next morning with all the boys still sleepin on me. "sorry did I wake you" Johnny asked walking in. "no" I said quietly lifting my head from sodas, which is in the crook of my neck.

"Hey Johnny can you help untie me I gotta go do some business" I asked. he carefully untied me an I went to use the bathroom. "thanks Johnny" I said walking out.

"Now you may wanna go get back tied up before Darry gets up" Johnny said. I went and sat back down by the boys, gettin comfortable.

Johnny sat down and turned on the tv. I did my best to be as still and quiet as I could to bit wake any of the boys.

Shortly after Steve started to wake up. "hey sleepy head" I said lightly nudging Steve. "hey" he said in his morning voice.

He looked over at his other side with his head still barely on me. "ah and Ponyboy is sleepin on me" he groaned.

"It's not that bad" I said. "how so" he asked still leaning on me. "Well you and soda both had your heads on each if my shoulders making it just about impossible to be comfortable" I said. "Whoops' he said sheepishly as Johnny laughed.

"Once all y'all are up I'm gonna go back home" I said telling Steve my plan of action. "Okay maybe you can come to the DX safely this time" Steve said. "maybe" I sighed.

Just then two walked through the door. "hey man" dally said from over by Johnny. "hey" he said quietly noticing the sleepy boys on me.

Soda moved a little so he was snuggled deeper into me. "awe look at the love bugs" two said snickering.

"Shut up you'll wake them" I quietly yelled at him. "awe who cares there gettin up today anyways" dally said.

"What time is it" soda said so quietly I could barely hear. "guys what time is it" I asked them. "uh bout 8:30" two said.

"Okay thanks" I said. "I need to get up soon" he said yet again so quietly. "then start wakin up" I said just as quietly.

Soda moved a little and opened his eyes, his head still resting on me. Ponyboy was still asleep.

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