Chapter 32

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"Where were you" two bit asked me. "Talkin to someone" I said and grabbed my drink from him "thanks" I said and sat down between him and Ponyboy.

Soon Dally came and sat next to Johnny who was next to Ponyboy. "so pony you know your brothers racing" I asked. "no" he said confused. "well he is I just went and talked to him" I said. "you should've took me with you" Ponyboy whined.

"It's okay" I said and I put my arm over his shoulders giving him a side hug and makin him blush a little.

"Be quiet the race is about to start first they announce who's racing" Dallas said. I rolled my eyes. This boy has come here way to many times.

Somebody was yelling out the racers names while the crowd cheered when they heard their favorite. "you we gonna cheer for sodapop and Steve's as louds as we can" two bit yelled to us. "even you Dallas" two said. he rolled his eyes but I knew he would do it. we all did.

"STEVE RANDLE" they guy announcing the names yelled and we all cheered. We were one loud bunch of four teenagers but were just gonna get louder especially for sodapop.

"SODAPOP CURTIS" We all cheered and a bunch of snobby rich girls did to. Everyone cheered for sodapop just about. Ponyboys and I's scream were louder than they were for Steve but oh well.

"ON YOUR MARKS" the announcer said as everyone started revving their engine. The girls got in the cars. "GET SET" he yelled. The gun went up in the air.

The gun was then shit off towards the sky and everyone was going. (idk how these things go so I'm taking a guess).

It was just a circle track who ever reached some about if laps first wins. Ponyboy and I moved up to the fence.

"I hope your brother wins" I yelled to him. he nodded. We looked at the ranks on the bored right now Steve was in second and sodapop was in fifth.

Steve was right behind the guy in first. Sodapop on the other hand was stuck in a bunch of guys who wouldn't let him out. "what's up with soda" Ponyboy asked. "a bunch of guys blocked him in and won't let him get around" I said in his ear. he nodded.

"What's wrong with sodapop" dally yelled walking up to us. He looked for himself and seen they ain't lettin him out.

Dally did some hand signals as sodapop was coming around hoping he would understand them. "will he even understand that cause sure as hell I didn't" I yelled to him. "if he seen it he will understand" dally yelled and walked back to his seat.

Sodapop let up on the gas probably getting yelled at by sandy to go faster. The guys that were around him soon got aggregated and left from around him still giving sodapop a chance to catch up to Steve who is now in first.

Sodapop easily went around the group that was surrounding him and so he was now in third almost caught up to second place.

Within seconds sodapop and Steve were neck n neck. This could be close friend against friend.

At the last lap, which I recently found out their were 15 of right at the finish line Steve put off the gas letting sodapop get ahead.

I know some things about cars especially when you have the gas on and off and the brakes and that kinda stuff.

Here in this situation Steve wanted sodapop to win. Ponyboy and I were cheering at the fence. he waved us over quickly. "c'mon Ponyboy" I said over the yelling crowd. I went to where I went before and ran through the doors there and onto the track Ponyboy right next to me.

I ran up to sodapop and jumped into his open arms. he spun me around as I nuzzled my face in the crook I his neck. My legs were wrapped around his waist as he held me.

He gave me a small little kiss and set me down and took Ponyboy into his arms for a hug. I waved at Johnny, Dally and Two-Bit that are still in the crowd. Little did I know somebody was right behind me until Johnny said something.

"What're you doing here" sandy said as I turned around. "oh I'm just watching my boyfriend and one of my best friends race how bout you" I said back to her all full of sass.

"Actually he's my boyfriend" she said. "whatever helps you sleep at night my princess" I said. "why would soda ever like you anyways" she said while doing a fail of a hair flip.

"I don't know why don't you ask him" I said putting my hand on my hip. "oh honey I will" she said and started to walk away until turning around. "you ever hug, kiss, touch, talk to or look at sodapop or do anything that involves him your dead you hear me dead" she said. "oooh I'm so scared" I said full of sarcasm.

With that she walked away. I took at deep breathe and turned around the 3 boys with worried expressions on his face. While sodapop was talking to all the reporters and Ponyboy and stuff I made my way over to Steve who was only talking to one guy who left as soon as I made my way over.

"Listen I would hug you but I don't wanna get into drama with the paper you know huggin an kissin soda then huggin you wouldn't turn out to great for me huh" I said. he nodded his head laughing at me.

"Congrats on first" I said. "but I didn't-" I cut him off. "you let him win and I have no clue why" I said leaning against his car. "part of it was for sandy and her threats he made and part of it was for you to go up there and hug him and be proud of him" Steve said. "awe Steve I would totally hug you again but I can't" I said.

"You deserved first place and oh don't worry sandy already threatened me" I said laughing. "what'd she say"Steve asked. "if I do any thing that involves sodapop at all I'm screwed pretty much" I said. he nodded.

"Ponyboy and I are gonna go back up to they guys now see y'all later" I said and went over to grab Ponyboy who was talking to sodapop.

"Hey pony we gotta go" I said. "oh and sodapop go talk to Steve" I said and walked away with Ponyboy and a confused sodapop left behind.

Once we were through the doors and walking through the hallway I stopped. "can I hug you" I asked Ponyboy as he turned around. he walked back to me and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him almost immideately around him.

A few tears slipped from my eyes. and more and more poured out soaking Ponyboy shirt. "Shhh shhh Joanna it's gonna be alright" he said quietly rubbing my back.

"Sandy said" I started and cried even harder, more like sobbing. "shhh shhh tell me later okay" he said pulling his head back but his arms still around me.

He wiped the tears from my eyes and cheeks. "is there anything on my face" I asked trying to get my composure. "no" he said.

We walked out and Ponyboy slung his arm around my shoulders. I'm shorter than just about all the guys except for maybe Johnny. I think we're the same size.

I tried to think of anything else but for what sandy said. "hey what's wrong" two-Bit asked as he seen us. "it's sandy" is all Ponyboy said and sat down.

Two sat next to me. "Joanna don't worry about her you've got seven plus probably Tim's gang watching out for you and for sure wont let anything touch you" two said wrapping his arm around me too. I smiled.

So ima leave this chapter here. I hope you like it. vote and comment please it all means a lot

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