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I woke up with a massive headache. There were two aspirins and a glass of water on my bedside table that i took. There was a note left.

"Take these it will make your headache go away. I went out for a while. If you need anything call the Curtis'. Have a good day -Dal"

I put the note back on the table. I laid back down for another few minutes and then finally got up. I changed into some black jeans and a white t-shirt with my leather jacket over it. I brushed my hair and teeth and put on my converse. When I was done I walked into the kitchen. Two-Bit was there.

"hey two" i said as i looked in the fridge for something to drink. "hey joanna" he said. "there's some of Darrels chocolate cake on the counter for you" he said. "thanks two" i said grabbing it and starting to eat it.

"Soda said he wants the whole gang over his house today" two said. "i'm not going" i said simply taking another bite of the cake.

"why not he said it's important" two asked. "he's a jerk face asshole and I don't want to see him ever again" i stopped to take a sip of milk.

"he broke my heart" i said quieter. "hey joanna just come over i'll stay with you the whole time and if you wanna leave you can but only after Soda gives us the news" Two bit said. "fine" i groaned.

"plus Ponyboy will be happy to see you again" Two-Bit said. "i love that kid" i said putting the dishes in the sink. "when do we have to be there" i asked two-Bit. "we should've been there already" he said. "Well let's get going" i said grabbing my blade and wallet and shoving them in my pockets before leaving my house.

It ended up being about a 10 minute walk with Two-Bit. When we opened the door the low mumbles in the room went silent. Two and I walked in and took a seat. I ended up sitting between Steve and Ponyboy.

I scanned the room looking for Soda. He was no where to be seen. I let my eyes drift towards the kitchen. Bad idea. I seen Soda in there with Sandy. They were talking and laughing. You could see how in love they were.

"what's going on" i whispered to Pony. "i don't know Joanna" he said steadily. "i wasn't even gonna come today. Two had to talk me into it" i whispered to him. He chuckled lightly. "the main reason why i'm over here is because i wanted to see you" i said smiling at him. That sure made his cheeks get red.

"we should go do something later" he said. "i don't know. it's a school night and I don't think Darry will let you out of the house. I could always just crash here for tonight" i said making him smile.

"Is everyone here" Soda asked walking out of the kitchen with Sandy right by his side. He looked around as nobody said a word. I caught his eye for a moment a small smile appearing on his lips but quickly disappearing.

"i want you all to be here to remember this day when i do this" he started. Sandy sat down in a chair as i glared right at her.

"i've been wanting to do this for a while now actually. After everything was put in the right spot. Like a puzzle" he said laughing to himself.

"Thank you all for coming today. I know many of you have other things to do today but it's important that you all are here. It's important to me" Soda said looking at me.

"i've practiced this over and over again just trying to get it right but i don't even remember one of the words I wrote down. Thank you all for being here and being my friends. All of you are like my brothers or even best friends" He said. I could tell he was nervous. I don't think anyone else could though. I noticed the specific things about people.

What the hell is this boy about to do. Sandy was sitting there bored listening to his speech. "Sandy..." he took a pause as she looked up and smiled at him.

"Some of my favorite memories are spent with you. Whether it be getting dinner at the diner near by or going to see a movie. It's always a good time. I love having you by my side and I want you always right there by my side. I'll always be there for you like you're always there for me. Hell I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you Sandy" he said. He reached his hand in his pocket and pulled out a box.

"i'm done sorry Ponyboy" i said as i ran out of the room closing the door behind me. As i walked outside i heard from inside the house, "YES" it was Sandy.

I walked in the middle of the street. The boys were calling for me but they knew better than to bother me right now. I heard footsteps get closer and closer. A hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

There he is. The asshole. "joanna. why'd you run out like that" he asked. "get the fuck away from me soda" i said my teeth gritting together.

"I love her Joanna" he said quietly. "no you don't soda i can tell. I know you better. in the short time we had together i got to know you and i know just about everything there is to know about you. I can see it in your eyes Soda your lying" i said and began to walk away.

"i am not lying joanna if you can't accept the fact that i'm happy with Sandy I hope you go home and bleed to death" he yelled at me. By now the whole gang was behind us.

"I can't believe i'm in love with a fool like you. Do you treat all your exs this shitty huh. wishing for them to die" i sassed


"fucking asshole" i said punching the trunk of the tree right next to me. "joanna he didn't mean any of that" Ponyboy said.

"please don't leave us" Johnny said.

I couldn't even cry right now. The most important person to me is gone.

"i'll see you guys later" i said before giving them all a hug. Even Dallas gave me a hug in front of the gang.

I walked off back to my house.

I was getting out of this town and for good.

I hope you like it. there will probably only be one more chapter so be ready for that. I will be writing a sequel for it so also be on the look out for that. I will be going through and correcting all the errors and mistakes soon too. Thank you all for reading

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