Chapter 23

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I walked into the living room first to see how the boys were doing. Steve was still sleeping but Ponyboy regained consciousness.

"How you feelin" I asked crouching down to him. "ugh" was all that came out. I sighed. "you got hurt pretty bad" I said. "really" he groaned. "sorry you want me to read to you in a little bit" I asked. Be nodded and forced a smile on his face which you could tell hurt him.

"Ill be back" I said. I got up and checked on Steve real quick. Still sleeping. I walked into my room to see sodapop up.

"Whoa whoa who's sit back down" I said quickly going to his side. "I'm fine Joanna I feel better" he said hugging me close. "good" I said in his chest.

"So I'm gonna read to Ponyboy if you want you can come out and listed or you can just hand out in here" I said grabbing the book that Ponyboy let me borrow.

"Ill just... stay in here" soda said sitting down at my desk. "okay be good" I said warning him.

I walked back out into the living room and started reading to Ponyboy.

Sodapops POV

I sat down at her desk. I found some paper and a pen and started writing.

Dear Joanna,
You already know this but I really like you. A lot. You make me happy when I'm sad. You can stick up for yourself and me, when in need of it. I really, really really like you. I would never have the guts to say all the rest of this to your face so I'm just gonna write it down. Here's go nothing. That first day we met. when you scared off those Socs. that was the day I realized I love you. Love at first sight. I know cheesy. And then we started hanging out and huging, that's when I felt my whole entire insides exploding. just your touch does that to me. And lately we've been kissing. damn is it good too. that's not the point though. When we kiss I feel like I'm eruptin inside. Its a good kind of exploson. I love you Joanna I really do. I could never say that to your face. I can't see your face. It would proably be grosed out or somthin. I wouldn't be able to handl that. So if you feel the same way tonite when we all leave. at 12:00 come and meet me at the lot. I love you.

Sodapop Patrick Curtis

I folded up the letter and left it in my pocket. I found some sticky notes and put a bunch of positive messages on them an hung them all over her room, and in a bunch of things too.

When I finished I walked out and sat on the floor next to Steve and listened to her read to Ponyboy.

I was looking at Steve. His hair was a mess and he was still sleeping but he looked cleaned up and better than he did before.

I ran my hand through his hair. he move in his sleep. His head was facing me now. I was looking at all the cuts. None of them looked to bad. He opened his eyes to me.

"Hi" he said an stretched a little until he felt pain. he hissed in pain causing Joanna to turn around. "Steve ya okay" she asked.

"Ya" he said obviously in pain. "what's wrong" she asked. "mainly my arm" he said. She got up and walked over to us and looked at his arm.

"One of the Socs made a pretty deep cut" she said looking at his arm. I looked at it too. It was pretty long an like Joanna said pretty deep.

"Just be careful" she said and sat back down next to pony and started to read to him again.

"Help me up" Steve said. I helped him up and walked him down the hall to the bathroom.

"Steve" I said as we reached it. "huh" he said limping in. "I'm gonna ask Joanna to meet me tonight" I said. "your doing it" he asked. I nodded my head and blushed a little. "she'll love it" he said with a reassuring grin. "and you" he said before shutting the door.

I sure hope so.

Steve soon came out of the bathroom and I helped him walk back into the living room and onto the couch. "I'm hungry" Steve whined. "ill go make something" she said. "sodapop can you keep readin to him" she asked handing the book to me. "ill try" I said. "you'll do great" She said and ran off the the kitchen to make somethin.

Joanna POV

I walked into the kitchen and made peanut butter and banana sandwiches for everyone. I gave one to two but and then walked into the living room to give the rest if the boys one.

I stood in the doorway to the living room listening to sodapop read. "The horse gal, galloped away leavin the others behind. He moved swi, swi, swift, swiftly along the tall green grass. Jum, jumpin over stumps, and logs. The horse soon reached a river that it had to cross. It wasn't no o." and he stopped. "what's that word" he said turning around to ask Steve but seen me behind him.

"Joanna how long have you been there" he said his face turning red from embarrassment. I walked in without answering the question and gave Steve and pony boy their sandwiches.

I sat down next to sodapop and gave him a sandwich. I places mine in my lap and too the book back. "thank you, you did a good job" I said lightly pecking his lips.

I continue reading from where he left off. He was looking right over my shoulder reading the words as I read them allowed.

Once I reached the end I the chapter I put the book down and ate my sandwich, which I ended up giving half to Steve.

"Can you teach me how to read better sometime" sodapop whispered to me. "Of course" I said smiling. "thank you" he said.

Right at that moment Dally and Johnny walked through the door and came in and watched tv with two bit.

Moments later Darry walked through the door. "what the hell happened to you guys" he yelled.

So this is kinda a cliffhanger whatcha think. I don't know. I hope you like it though.

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