Chapter 27

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"What're we gonna do" I asked. "wanna beat up a few Socs" Steve asked. I thought about it for a second. "lets do it" I said and we ran up to where some Socs were hangin out.

"What're you doin on our side of town" Steve yelled at them down the street. "what do you care" one of the Socs said. "our side leave" Steve said.

I was standing right next to him. There were only 3 Socs so it wouldn't be to bad of a fight. "we ain't leavin" the soc said.

"You wanna fight, you wanna go, you wanna go" Steve yelled getting louder and louder. The Socs responded "ya lets go, lets do it"

Within seconds Steve was all over two Socs and I had one. "what's a broad like you doin out here with a grease ball like him" he said trying to wrap his arm around me.

I quickly smacked his hand away and then smacked his face. "feisty" he said. that's when I started beating him up.

Within a few punches he was on the ground. I'm pretty tough for being a girl. Not that being a girl has to do with anything but I'm pretty tough.

After a few more blows he was laying there barely moving, barely breathing. I left him there and walked away from him.

Steve had one of the guys knocked out and the other one almost knocked out.

"Damn that was fun" I said as we started walking to wherever. "it sure was" Steve agreed.

His casually put his arm around my shoulders as we walked back to the DX because his lunch break was almost over.

We reached the DX and walked into the store. "hey soda" Steve said, his arm still around me.

"What's-what's going on here" soda said backing away from sandy. "what" Steve asked. "this" he said pointing his finger between the two of us.

"We're just hangin out as friends sodapop" I said. "you sure" he asked stepping foreword to me. "promise" I said hugging him.

"Now I'm gonna learn how to do car stuff" I said as Steve and I walked into the garage. "you seriously wanna learn about cars" he asked.

"I can try, I'm not saying I would understand any of it" I said. "okay" he said. "there's no use is there" he asked. "not really" I said.

"You can watch and I will tell you what I'm doing" he said. "okay" I said as Steve rolled under the car. I shortly followed after.

It was quiet in the garage and you could hear everything from the store. "soda it looks like you've gotten stronger" she said. "who the hell does she think she is" I said quietly.

"You okay" Steve asked. "I-uh yeah" I answered.

"Soda I want you back, your still cute, and tuff, and strong" She said. Soda didnt say anything.

"I um sandy I-I have a girl" he said stuttering. "forget her" she said. "I can't do that" he said making me smile.

"Kiss me" she said quietly. It was silent for a few seconds. "your still a great kisser" sandy said.

"He kissed her, Steve he kissed her" I said looking over at Steve. "I heard" he said. "he will get what he deserves" he mumbled.

"I mean I love soda as a friend and everything but when he kisses his ex when he just got a girl that's that's wrong" Steve said.

"I don't know what to do" I said quietly. "you haven't changed a bit pumpkin" sandy said. "pumpkin what the hell is that" I quietly yelled. "nor have you" soda said.

"I was thinking we could get back together" she said. "I can't do that" soda said. "but soda I came all the way back here for you" she whined.

"I mean I'm flattered but I can't" soda said. "but we just kissed didnt you feel anything" she whined some more.

"No not really" he said. "so you felt maybe a little something" she asked. "I-I don't know" he said confusing himself.

I love soda I really do but if he makes the wrong move up there he is gonna get if worse than what I planned on doing.

"Soda forget her, tonight the nightly double me and you" she said. "I already have plans tonight" soda said.

"I'm just a plan now" I said out loud to know one. Steve grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together.

Steve and I were more like siblings and we both know that. Everything he does that seems romantic is him just showing his support and care.

He gave my hand a gentle squeeze. "cancel the plans" she said. "I mean I don't think I can-" she interrupted him. "please soda it dosent have to be a date it can just be catching up with eachother" she said. "fine ill cancel but it's not a date" he said.

"He canceled me Steve" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away. "its okay Joanna we will go out and do something tonight" Steve said. "okay" I said.

The door in the store rang signaling that she left. I heard footsteps walk into the garage. "How are you two doing" soda asked. "Joanna learning anything" he asked more directing the question to Steve.

"She's learning quite a bit actually" he said coldly. "you alright man" soda asked. "ya this is just making me frustrated" he answered. "okay man" sodapop said.

More tears fell from my eyes. I wiped away all of them as they fell. "Joanna you okay" soda asked as I sniffled. "yeah I got some dirt or somethin in my eye" I answered. "your okay" he asked. "ill be fine" I answered.

"Okay busy hours coming gotta go back to the store" soda said and walked away closing the garage to the store door.

"I can't believe it" I said. "I don't know what to say to that" Steve said finishing where he was working.

We rolled out from under the car. "ill see ya later" I said standing up. "your leaving" he asked. "yeah" I said. "see ya" he said giving me a short hug and then leavin.

I walked over to the lot to find Ponyboy sitting around. "hey pony" I said sitting next to him. "hey" he said back sadly. "you alright" I asked. "I could be better" he said.

"Here lets go back to my place and we can just kinda hang out and talk and eat and stuff" I said. "okay" he said with no emotion and we walked to my house

What's up with Joanna and Ponyboy?
What's up with Joanna and Steve?
What's up with Joanna and sodapop?
What's up with Joanna and sandy?
What's up with sodapop and sandy?

What's happening?????

Anyways I hope you like this part. More drama is happening that for sure. make sure to vote and comment and even follow me if your not

I may not have wifi for a few days. I am barely able to post this right now because our wifi I kinda down. it should be fixed in a few days so sorry if I don't post the next few days. I may post another chapter tonight though.

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