Under the Mistletoe with Him

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A/n: Wrote this for my friends birthday so it's an Original Character instead of Reader.

Description: Rose goes down memory lane

"Baby, where do you want these bags of icing."

Turning from the oven with a pan of fresh gingerbread cookies you point to the farthest corner of the counter.

"Over there please Ty, I want to be sure we have plenty of room to do this and hopefully we can avoid a big mess."

Placing the icing bags on the counter he stood back watching his girlfriend lay them all out and then got bowls of small candies out.

"What are those for?"

"The cookies and if we manage to get around to decorating that house, now let me just put in this next batch of cookies. Then we can get started would you please put on some Christmas music? I have the playlist already set up on my phone."

"Sure can."

Using her spatula Rose carefully places each gingerbread person on the tray popping them in the oven and setting the timer. Wiping off her hands she grabs the pan with cookies already cooled, carrying them over to the counter where Tyler had gotten the music to play.

"Okay babe here we go decorate it however you want but please do try and not get icing all over I don't want to run out."

Tyler chuckled thinking about the last time they tried this and how more icing ended up on the two of them then on the cookies.

"Don't worry I'll behave."

Pressing a kiss to her temple Tyler grabbed a cookie and picked a color to outline with. Rose watched him decorate, this was a moment she'd remember for the rest of her days. Picking up an icing bag she grabbed a cookie of her own to start decorating. The two silently worked for a few minutes listening to the music playing in the background as they enjoyed each other's company.

"You know something, this time of year always remind me of how our relationship started."

Rose spoke softly as the memories from a few year prior played through her head causing her to smile.

"You mean that time I got caught under the mistletoe with your fine ass?"

He smirked leaning forward to steal a peck from her lips.


"I can't believe I got Tyler."

"What's wrong with having Tyler I imagine he'd be pretty simple to shop for."

"That's easy for you to say Orange you're actually friends with him, he hates me."

"He does not hate you."

"Oh yes he does he's always glaring in my direction and when I tried to be polite or say hi, he just walks away."

"To be fair he does that with everyone he's just not a super expressive guy when it comes to being at work. But trust me he'll love whatever you get him even if he doesn't say it out loud."

James assured her as the two walked down the hallway, it was a week before their company gift exchange and Rose was still unsure of what to get Tyler. He was serious when he said that Tyler would love anything she bought given the fact he was absolutely smitten with her. Not that Rose would know that given Tyler's silent nature at work and don't mess with me attitude. But the whole locker room and even some of the women knew about his feelings for her.

"What am I going to do?"

"Why don't you go ask his dad? It wouldn't hurt to give that a try maybe he can help you think of something. It's better than stressing yourself out more than you already are."

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