Daddy's Biggest Fan (Drabble)

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Description: Y/n takes their son to see Hook wrestle for the first time.

Y/n smiled as she walked slowly down the hallway her hand gently holding that of her three-year-old son, they made their way through the backstage area.


The small boy called out craning his neck to try and see which wasn't easy given he was so small. Y/n scoops him up so he could see better as they made their way in the direction of Tyler's locker room.

"Don't worry my love we'll find him we just have a few more turns and we'll be there."

Pressing a kiss to his cheek they walked a little longer and y/n stops gently setting her son on the ground.

"Look who it is bubs."

She pointed up the hallway smiling when her son's eyes landed on the man he loved more than anyone apart from her.


His squeal caused heads to turn light chuckles hitting her ears as Tyler quickly turned around and gasped bending down. Y/n let their son's hand go watching as he quickly toddled down the hallway towards his dad.

"Hey buddy you excited to see daddy wrestle for the first time?"

Tyler asked holding his son close smiling into a face so similar to his own chuckling as the small boy cheered nodding his head and hugging him. Y/n walked over joining them and smiled when Tyler wrapped an arm around her waist kissing her softly.

"Hello gorgeous I thought you two were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago?"

"Sorry babe we ran into your dad, and you know he can't resist spending a few minutes with his grandson."

Y/n smiled listening as their son excitedly chattered away to Tyler about well she couldn't really understand what but they both seemed to be having fun. Making your way into the locker room you sat down on the couch.

"And you've already seen daddy's title but I'm defending it tonight."

Pulling your phone out you snap a couple pictures of them and a small video, the video would be something for yourselves. Despite sharing some things Tyler was still a private person when it came to his life and your child.

"Are you guys going to be ringside or stay in the gorilla?"

"I figured the gorilla since he's still so little and I don't want the crowd to be overwhelming for him. But uncle Dan said that he had a nice quiet spot all set up for us."

Tyler smiled nodding his head as he sat down beside his fiancée and their son crawled over onto her lap, he'd been dreaming of this day for the last three years and it was finally here. He couldn't want to see what his son thought of seeing daddy wrestle in real time. When a knock sounded on the door the trio made their way from the room making their way to the gorilla.

"Okay I have to go out now, but I'll be back when I'm finished."

He kissed the small boy's head then stood up and kissed y/n with a soft smile as he moved the hair out of his eyes.

"You're going to do great we'll be here when you're finished."

"Thank you I'll see you in a few I love you both."

"We love you too."

"Love you daddy."

Tyler's smile widened more as he ruffled his son's hair, and his music began sending them both a wink he walked out feeling on top of the world.

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