TikTok (Drabble)

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Description: Y/n asks Hook to do a TikTok with her and he finally agrees.

Tyler chuckled leaning against the wall as he watched his friend dancing in front of her phone.

"Are you doing those Tiktak things again?"

He asked after she paused the camera he couldn't help but catch himself smiling when she looked back at him amusement on her face.

"They're called TikToks and yes, it is I'm bored so I figured I would make some to pass the time."

Y/n said as she saved her draft before turning around quickly putting on her best pouty face.

"Will you do one with me? Just one please?"

Groaning he pushed the hair out of his face looking at her as he thought, she had been asking him for months to do one of these videos. He always managed to put her off or find some excuse, but he didn't have any today.

"Okay fine but only one just tell me what to do." He said with a sigh.

"Basically, you just stand there and react to the lyrics I lip sync too, I'll grab your shirt lightly and then let go. You'll see as we go, we can always do a practice one or two until you're comfortable."

Nodding Tyler watched as Y/n walked over to phone and did a few things on it she walked back to him after pressing a remote in her hand.

Leaning into him she looked up and smiled grabbing his shirt lightly as the song played.

'I'm using your shirt as a pillow case.'

Tyler smiled raising a brow at her as she let him go looking away for a moment then back to him cupping his face with her hands.

'I wanna ruin our friendship we should be lovers instead."

Tyler felt his mouth go dry as her eyes met his, y/n let him go walking back to her phone after pressing stop with the remote. Saving it to her drafts she turned back to Tyler a brow raised.

"Well, what did you think?"

"I think it was okay should we give it another go?"

"Absolutely do you think you can do it and look natural?"

"Yes I think I got it now."


Y/n smiles and once they're set up again, she pressed the remote and lightly pulled his shirt smiling as she lipped the words.

'I'm using your shirt as a pillow case.'

Tyler smirked watching her Y/n looked away again but stepped close to him her eyes looking into his.

"I wanna ruin our friendship."

Releasing him Tyler grabbed her by the neck pulling her back in as he lipped synced along.

'We should be lovers instead.'

His lips pressed into hers in a soft kiss, her breath catching as they parted after a moment searching his gaze. Both their faces heated up as they both took a step back trying to collect their thoughts before Tyler spoke.

"Maybe we should do another I feel like that one should be kept private."

Taking the remote he clicked stop searching her face as a smile slowly crept onto it.

"I think your locker room would be much better suited."

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