Don't Mind

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Description: Tyler's girlfriend is an exotic dancer, he told his coworkers not to bother her. Sammy doesn't listen.

"So, what's up with your girlfriend Hook?"

Tyler looked up from his phone in the direction of the question seeing Jericho staring at him the younger man raised a brow.

"What about her?"

"Is it true I mean I've heard she's a performer and I've seen some of her Instagram posts is it true?"

"So, what if it is, what's it to you?"

"Just curious is all I've never met a wrestler whose partner is a stripper."

"She prefers exotic dancer and Dan's wife is a Burlesque performer it's along the same lines."

"Doesn't it bother you? Aren't you worried someone else is going to snatch her away or she's going to cheat on you with someone from or that's she's met at work."

Tyler did his best to keep from rolling his eyes at the question he's heard more than once from his coworkers.

"No, I'm not worried because I trust my girlfriend I'm the one going home with her nobody else, so I don't honestly mind."

"Oh okay, what club does she work at?"

"That's none of your business and I suggest if you somehow find out not to bother going there, any of you or I will personally throw you out myself."

"Okay okay easy man no need to get worked up."

Jericho held his hands up in surrender and started a different conversation with one of their other coworkers. Tyler puts his phone in his pocket and leaves the room deciding to actually go and visit her. When his phone rings he puts it on the car phone and starts it up.


"Hi babe it's me."

"Mamas I was just getting ready to come and see you."

"Oh perfect I had a break but I wanted to talk to you really quick before I went back to work."

"What's up?"

"Haven't you told your coworkers not to show up here?"

"Yes, I have why?"

"Well, that Sammy guy did, and he asked for a private dance...from me."

Tyler felt as if everything froze the sound of Y/n's voice fading in the background as she continued to speak.

"Don't go anywhere near that room tell your boss that something came up and you need to give it to another girl. I'll be there in five minutes."

Ending the call Tyler peeled out of the parking lot making his way towards the club, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. He had made it very clear that he didn't want any of his coworkers going to the club; the fact Sammy went and then had the fucking nerve to ask for a private dance from his girlfriend. No Tyler intended to kick his ass if he didn't leave the first time he asked.

Pulling into the parking lot he got out and showed his ID, the bouncer was familiar with him, but he did it anyway. Going inside Tyler walked over to the bar motioning for y/n's best work friend to come and talk with him.

"Hey Hook, didn't expect you here today."

"What room is y/n supposed to be in?"

"She's in the breakroom."

"Thank you."

Walking through the club he made his way towards the breakroom which he occasionally got to sneak into when he wanted to spend a little time with you. Not bothering to knock he pushed open the door spotting her sat at the table sipping a bottle of water.

"What room is he in?"

He asked, voice hard as he watched her, just seeing her sitting there in her work outfit the thought of Sammy trying to get her.

"You scared the shit out of me babe, room number four."

Y/n says as he turned walking down the hallway but stopped, he had no idea where the rooms even were. Grabbing her bottle Y/n followed him and gave directions to the private rooms then pointed a dark red door with a number four on it.

"Wait here."

He said gently touching her cheek and opened the door, Sammy was sat with a drink in his hand and his back to the door.

"I was wondering what was taking you so long, now come dance for daddy like I paid for."

Sammy chuckled sipping his drink and set it on a small stand next to the chair he was in; Tyler walked over grabbing him by his shirt dragging him over the chair arm.

"What the fuck?"

Sammy managed to get out before Tyler hits him watching as the man falls to the floor holding his face.

"I told all of you not to come here more than once I told you to stay far away from y/n's place of work and yet you go behind my back. And then you book a fucking private room with her?"

Tyler was seething as he grabbed Sammy's collar and shoved him into the wall, Y/n stood outside the door watching as the two of them went back and forth arguing. Sammy was doing his best to make it to the exit and Tyler was landing a hit every time he managed to lay a hand on him. When security came in to break it up Y/n spoke quietly to the bouncer watching him lead Sammy out. Turning she saw Tyler still pacing the floor, walking over she forced him to sit in the chair after closing the door. Thinking for a moment she could still see the rage and frustration on his face.

Biting her lip she turned on some soft music dimming the lights ever so slightly and walked back to the chair. Whenever she wanted to work on a new dance for work, she'd practice them with Tyler. This one she was about to do though was one she hadn't got the chance to try on him yet. As the music drifted into the room from the speaker, y/n began moving her body with the tempo. Slow movements at first as the song began to build her hands dancing across him as her hips moved.

Tyler watched her slowly realization of what she was doing hit him and he couldn't help but feel himself relax a bit.

"She's really dancing for me, damn I'm one lucky S.O.B"

He thought his hands finally reaching out to touch her, y/n smiled seeing that his features were finally relaxing. Leaning close she pressed a kiss to his neck letting her lips linger as her tongue flicked out to taste the skin.

"Let me dance for you baby just sit here and enjoy the show.

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