Bet On It (Part Two)

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Description: Tyler keeps trying to get you to talk with him.

"Y/n your phone is ringing again."

Lifting your head from where it was resting against the beach chair you picked it up glancing at the lit-up screen. A shot of pain went through your heart once more seeing Tyler's name on the screen.

"Tyler again?"  Your best friend Renee asked as you nodded silently ignoring the call and placing the phone back down readjusting the sunglasses on your head.

"Why don't you just talk to him, hear what he wants to say and then be done with everything who knows maybe you'll feel better."

"I don't know Ree it's been hard enough avoiding him these last few weeks; I don't think I'm ready yet."

"That's understandable babes but at least figure out what you're going to do especially with MJF asking you out for drinks more than once in the last week."

"Uhg don't remind me I'm thankful he told me, but I just don't want to go out or spend any time with him, ya know what I mean?"

"Maybe he has a thing for you I mean you're a total hottie so I could see it."  "Maxwell is not my type and I just hope he realizes that."

Renee smiles winking at you as she leans back in her chair grabbing your phone when it rings again then shuts it off.

"Figure it out babes."  Staying quiet you settled back into your seat thinking maybe she was right maybe you should finally talk to Tyler just so you could get closure. The rest of the afternoon your mind plays back everything over the last couple of weeks.  When you walked out on Tyler you didn't know where to go but thankfully Renee was there to help you pick up the pieces. Tony was willing to give you a little time off work using an injury from a backstage jumping to explain your absence. The first few days were spent just crying in Renee and Jon's guest room trying to get the pain to ease even a little. Your dreams tortured you at night with images of him, more than once you woke up feeling like he was right there with you. His arm heavy across your waist the faint scent of him on the t-shirt you couldn't bear to give back.  As more time passed it got a little easier at least with doing everyday activities, Tyler had blown up your phone every chance he could, but you ignored the messages. Now you were seriously considering talking to him just so your heart could have the closure you needed. Maybe then it wouldn't take so long for your heart to heal.  Returning back to your hotel room you stood outside the shower waiting for the water to heat up staring at the text box.  'Okay y/n you can do this just send the message and be done with it.'

Typing quickly before you chickened out you had the message ready, it was straight to the point.

'Tyler I'm reaching out to let you know I'm willing to talk. I'll meet you at the arena an hour before show time. I expect the truth.'

Pressing send after staring at it for another few minutes you finally place the phone down and get a shower. Despite not having a match or being on tv tonight you were going to be backstage to hang out with Renee and watch Jon's match. Stepping out you made yourself dry off and get dressed before daring to look at your phone, you hated that he still had the power to make your heart skip a beat seeing his name. Ignoring all the other messages from him you looked at the most recent.

'Okay I'll be there.'

Grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder you head down to your rental car. Part of you was scared to hear what he had to say. Didn't want to hear anymore about how you were a bet and everything you had envisioned for your relationship was nothing more than one sided. The thought you shared your deepest secrets with him all your hopes, dreams. Knowing inside that it wasn't real or at least that his feelings weren't in the same place as yours; left a sour taste in your mouth that wouldn't leave.

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