Make Some Noise Baby (NSFW)

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Description: When Tyler is left feeling a little insecure because of his girlfriend's ex Jay White. He decides to let the other man hear just how well he can please his girl. (Original Character Bee

There were three things in this world that Tyler was sure of one being death was inevitable, two taxes were for whatever reason a must. And three, as long as there was still air in his body Jay fucking White was going to be the biggest pain in his ass ever. When he found out that his girlfriend had dated Jay years back, Tyler was grateful that Jay was in Japan. The two pushed him from their minds and slowly created the greatest relationship he'd ever been in.

When they found out that Jay was going to be coming to AEW, Tyler knew that it was going to be the end of their peace for a while, and he was right.

"Hey, baby are you almost ready to get out of here?"

Bee called out once she spotted Tyler, seeing his hood up she assumed he was more than likely listening to music when she didn't receive an answer.


She called once more to a back table in catering and walked over behind him, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend Bee lightly peppered kisses against his neck. Tyler laughed softly scrunching up his shoulders as he takes an air pod from his ear. Tilting his head back to smile up at her he raised a brow.

"Hello beautiful, when did you get here?"

"I just walked over, I finished my interviews and wanted to know if you're ready to head back to the hotel. Called for you twice but you couldn't hear me so kissing your neck was the next option."

"Fair enough, yeah I'm all finished here so we can leave."

He hummed softly as he stood slinging his backpack over his shoulders and putting away his air pods. Taking Bee's hand and lacing their fingers together, the couple left catering making their way down the long hallway. Tyler listened to Bee chattering away excitedly about her day beside him. He didn't mind not being able to say a word as he listened to her animated conversation. The way she portrayed emotion and couldn't help but rattle away was one of the many things he loved most about her.

"Slow down baby you're running out of breath."

Tyler joked as they rounded a corner and were cut off by the sound of Jay White's annoying fucking voice. Tyler couldn't help but roll his eyes as the other man walked over to them standing a bit too close to Bee for his liking. It took everything in him not to just punch the older man and quickly pull his girl away. Bee, however, was not one to be horrible to a fellow coworker (unless they deserved it) stayed for a moment to see what Jay wanted.

"Hello honeybee, Tyler."

Jay smiled at Bee and casually glanced at himself before looking back at the woman in front of him.

"Hello Jay, it's Bee. I've asked you more than once not to call me that anymore it's from the past let's just allow it to lay there."

She said softly as she gave Tyler's hand a gentle squeeze, Jay chuckled shaking his head in amusement.

"I give all my friends nicknames."

"Yeah, well she's not your friend she's your ex so if there's nothing important you need to tell us please move so we can leave."

Tyler huffed, he was just ready to take his girl and head back to the hotel already, but Jay couldn't seem to take the hint.

"Calm down there kiddo, I just wanted to tell her that I got a call from some old friends in Japan they wanted me to tell her hello and to give them a call when she got a chance."

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