The Nights (Drabble)

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Description: He's just trying to get over the thought of you 
(Loosely based on the song Stick Season)

Another night, another cloud of smoke encircled his head as he sat on his fire escape watching the city buzzing by. His phone lit up illuminating his face as he read it hoping but knowing it wouldn't be a text from you.

'We're really worried about you man nobody's heard from you in a week least let someone know you're okay.'

Setting the phone back on his lap Tyler took another inhale of the joint holding the smoke until his lungs burned then blew it into the dark night sky. Of course, he was okay well at least physically he was but emotionally he probably wouldn't be the same ever again. Not after losing the most important person in his world.

"This is going to be amazing mamas I can't wait for you to come back to New York I have so much for us planned."

Tyler smiled as he put away the last of the laundry making sure his apartment was clean and suitable enough for you. The line remained quiet with the only sound being the tires on the road before you let a breath out.

"Actually, I've um changed my mind."

He didn't know this but at the time you spoke these words you passed his exit and continued driving.

"I'm sorry what?"

"I know it's a shitty thing to do on the phone but I'm going up to Canada to visit a friend for a few weeks. I didn't know how to tell you and honestly wasn't sure how I was going to."

"Why didn't you just say anything?'

"Because breaking up over the phone isn't something I planned to do but I think it's for the best. We've been growing apart with your traveling and my work schedule. I'm tired of not seeing you and of not having a boyfriend close by. I'm sorry this is the last thing I wanted to have happen, but I think it's for the best."

Thinking back over that night all these weeks later and if he was honest with himself, he knew something wasn't right. You had been acting weird ever since the two of you started making plans for a visit, you'd trail off or switch the subject to something else.

He was still dealing with all the feelings that came from having a relationship suddenly end, he felt pain that he never experienced before not even in ring. His chest was heavy and often felt tight, he was angry that you wouldn't even give him a chance to try and make things better or reassure you it would work out. But he knew it wasn't just all on you, he'd been a bit too busy with work and didn't call you as often as he should have. He never imagined he would be at this end, sure other relationships failed but he always had faith that yours would last. And now just like that you were gone, you who was supposed to be Tyler's future. The love of his life the person he hoped to marry some day not that he ever got the chance to ask you.

Despite the breakup being over two months ago he still felt like he did the night it happened, he saw your mother recently. She stopped by to pick up some of your things and told him that you were taking it hard despite everything she knew that you loved him. It helped a little but not enough to make him want to rejoin society. Tony was trying to be understanding and give him time, they wrote him off with injury but he knew he needed to get back.

Most days he spent smoking trying to numb the longing and loneliness he felt for you, but no matter how much he smoked he still thought about you. At night was the worst when the rest of the world was silent his mind and dreams were plagued with different versions of you. No matter what he tried he just couldn't escape it all.

Tyler knew in time he would get over you, knew that one day in the future you'll be nothing more than just a thought in his mind. As for now? He would just have to take it a day at a time trying to get over loving you. 

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