Medic To The Fighters

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Description: Y/n becomes the medic to fighters in an underground fight club.

Y/n had big dreams when she was a kid, she knew she always wanted to be a doctor and she had chased that dream all the way up to nearly finishing med school. When her beloved grandparent had fallen ill, she left school to care for them. Deciding to get a job at the local med express as a nurse's aide to bring in money for bills. And for a while it had worked well, but then as prices in everything she knew it wasn't enough.

One of her coworkers had pulled her off to the side one day when it seemed like everything that could go wrong was. Liv had taken the time to hear her out and even offered a shoulder to cry on, and when y/n had finally composed herself. Liv told her of a little side job she had heard of.

"Have you ever heard of underground fight clubs?"

Sure, she'd heard of them but didn't think that Liv would have any connections to anything like that, after y/n nodded her head Liv smiled.

"I have a friend who wrestles three times a week and the last medic they had to patch up the fighters moved, and they've been looking for a new one. It would be a bit of extra money for you that you can make under the table. If you want, go to this address tomorrow night and check it out."

She had smiled writing the address down on a piece of scrape paper and handed it to y/n with a time.

"You don't have to, but I would definitely give it some thought."

"Thank you Liv I really appreciate you trying to help me."

Embracing the other woman, Y/n placed the paper in her purse and spent the rest of the day and into the next morning contemplating it. When Liv offered to go with her Y/n finalized her decision to check it out, if it was too bad, she could always change her mind. After that night the two women met up in the parking lot of an old abandon building, and after following a ramp down into a dimly lit basement they came across a room filled with people. An old ring stood in the middle of the room with two men fighting in it. Y/n stood transfixed as she watched them go at it, so much so that when Liv gently tugged her arm she nearly tripped.

"Sorry, this is the guy who runs the show, Tony he can answer any questions you have. I'm going to go find Max and see if he's had a match yet."

Introducing herself to Tony the two said in a pair of seats farther back from the crowd and while watching the pair in ring discussed what the job entitled. Y/n wouldn't lie it worried her a bit that this wasn't exactly a legit building or business to be doing this in. But she couldn't lie the amount she'd be paid was well worth it. After speaking with Tony, a little longer she agreed to take the job as medic.

That was just a little over a year ago and it was one of the best decisions that y/n had ever made. She had quickly created friendships with a lot of the fighters, especially one she really enjoyed watching. Y/n wasn't sure of his real name he only went by Hook, but he was always needing to be patched up. Every match he won and yet he'd need to come see her. Not that she minded he was absolutely beautiful to look at and he always seemed to enjoy listening to her talk. She looked forward to seeing him the three times a week that she worked.

Little did she know Hook or Tyler as he had yet to tell her his name felt the same exact way, in fact he was absolutely smitten with her. He couldn't help but love listening to her chatter away about a bunch of different topics. And although Tyler didn't say much other than an occasional word here or there it was one of his favorite parts of the week.

So yeah, maybe he asked his opponents to do their best to make him bleed that way he could see her, and he may offer them twenty dollars to keep their mouths shut. But he just couldn't bring himself to come to her just as himself. Tyler also made sure that all the guys that worked in this fight club knew to keep their hands to themselves. Otherwise, he would end them without a second thought and personally send them to their loved ones in a pine box. It seemed to be working for the most part, the guys would give him a hard time after his matches when he'd be walking over to the medic set up. Tyler simply flipped them off and did his best to keep his blush hidden. Tonight, he had a big match against one of the newbies and was excited to see y/n.

Y/n checked over all her supplies to be sure she had everything that maybe needed for any situation. Satisfied, she made her way over towards the ring to watch a couple of matches, sitting in a vacant chair behind the barricade. Waving and chatting to a few people the lights flickered signaling that the show was about to start.

The first two matches went well without any injuries, which was nice as it gave y/n the chance to watch Hook's match. Her eyes followed his every move as he walked into the ring, his eyes scanning the room, when they finally settled on her. Y/n felt her face heat up as he smirked winking at her and leaned against the rope. As the match started y/n was on the edge of her seat watching as the two knocked the hell out of each other. Hook's opponent Jay managed to slip out of the ring and leaned on the barricade, Hook followed him and the two started fighting around the ring. Slamming each other into barricades, when Jay slammed Hook's back into a post Y/n gasped.

"Come on Hook!"

She cheered clapping her hands to encourage him to get up, the man groaned and carefully pulled himself up after crawling over to the barricade she was standing in front of. Jay reached under the ring and grabbed a large stick. Walking over he swung it at Hook and cursed when it slipped out of his hand hitting Y/n in the head.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean that."

Jay said and grunted when Hook looked at Y/n then back at him punching Jay in the face. Climbing on top of him Hook began repeatedly hitting Jay, the ref calling for other fighters to come and separate the two. Y/n held her face trying to get the throbbing in her temple to stop, Tyler yanks himself free and walked over to Y/n gently cupping her cheek. Scooping her up he silently carried her over to the medical area.

"Are you okay?"

Tyler asked in a soft voice pushing the hair out of his eyes as he set her down on the bench, y/n nodded her head slowly.

"Yeah, it was an accident I just need the throbbing in my temple to go away."

"Maybe you should go to the hospital or something."

"I can't drive."

"I'll take you."

Y/n slowly looked up at him surprised this was the first time he ever spoke to her; he didn't owe y/n anything and yet he wanted to drive her to the hospital.

"You don't have to I imagine you're probably tired."

"No, I'm fine I just want to be sure that you're taken care of besides it'll be nice not to be the one bandaged up for once."

He smirked offering his hand and helped her stand up Tony came over to check on her and once given the okay to leave Tyler grabbed both their bags and lead y/n out to his car.

"I never did get your name, like your real name."

She said after a moment of silence Tyler chuckled which felt like a burst of butterflies in her stomach.

"Name is Tyler."

Holding her door, he made sure y/n was tucked safely inside her seat then got behind the wheel.

"I don't think you can go inside without a shirt on."

Tyler laughed again buckling up and started the car glancing over at her with his signature smirk.

"Don't worry I'll put one on when we arrive this is to distract you from the pain."

Y/n couldn't help the light laugh as her face heated up once more, she did her best to avoid glancing at his chest.

"How about after all of this is done and we're sure you don't have a concussion we go out for a bite to eat?"

Stunned for a moment Y/n smiled looking over at him and gently nodded her head.

"Yeah, I'd really like that."

"Perfect it's a date then."

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