I Hate You (Drabble)

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Description: Y/n has to share a room with Hook on a trip and they hate each other.

There were a lot of things in this life you didn't like, being late for something important. Having to go to work after the weekend, taxes, the list could go on.

But at the top of that list was your coworker Tyler or as the rest of the world knew him, Hook.

Honestly you weren't exactly sure what started the rivalry between the two of you, but it was obvious to everyone that the two of you couldn't stand each other. Although a lot of your friends said that it was just sexual tension neither of you wanted to admit too.

It was just your luck that you ended up being stuck in the same room with him on a cabin trip that one of your best friends planned. There had been a mix-up and there were only three rooms instead of the four rooms requested. And you got the unpleasantness of having to room with him since everyone had already paired up before you arrived.

Fixing the band of your shorts you stepped out of the bathroom frowning when he was laying spread eagle on the bed in a t-shirt and shorts.

"You're taking up the whole damn bed laying like that will you please move so I can lay down, preferably laying on the floor."

Tyler remained silent, his chest slowly rising and following completely ignoring your requesting. Huffing, you turned the bathroom light off walking over to the bed.

"I know you aren't sleeping you dick I will kung fu kick you out of this bed if you don't move."

Tyler opened one eye looking at you before closing it again that stupid smug smirk on his face that he wore so often when he knew that he was annoying you.

"Yeah, sure I'd like to see you try."

Kicking his leg, you grab at it with both hands tugging Tyler curses grabbing the mattress and holding on for dear life as you tugged.

"Knock it off, will ya? Just lay on the floor if you don't have enough room, I got here first you snooze you lose."


Turning the light off you walk over flopping on the bed and couldn't help the satisfaction when he let out a 'oof' sound as you landed on him. Tyler groaned as he pushed you and the two of you started shoving each other.

"Why are you such a jerk?"

"Why are you such a bitch?"

You asked simultaneously, grabbing a pillow you smacked him over the head a few times. Laughing at his slightly dazed expression before he tackled you onto the mattress. His fingers started moving along your sides causing you to laugh louder.

"I'm going to kick you!"

"I'd love to see you try."

Tyler smirked as he continued tickling you, the two of you jumping apart when the door to the room opened.

"Can you two stop making so much noise? I expected having to break up sex noises, not you squealing and laughing y/n."

"Sorry Ricky."

The two of you called back as he slammed the door shut and you laid there panting trying to catch your breath.

"I hate you so much."

You smile watching Tyler chuckle as he laid back against the pillows making some room on the bed for you.

"I hate you too y/n."

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