Saving Her (Mafia AU)

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Description: Tyler and y/n are both leaders of their families, when y/n find herself in trouble she calls him.

Tyler stepped out of the sleek, black sedan, the rain pouring down around him in a never-ending drench. The abandoned warehouse loomed ahead, its broken windows and crumbling exterior a testament to the years of neglect. Tyler's men spread out, weapons at the ready, their faces grim with anticipation. Tyler who was known for his ruthless efficiency and cold demeanor, had been summoned by an old ally, the Sorrentino family.

They were in trouble, a deal had gone wrong, and they needed help. In the world of organized crime, favors were currency. His father had been doing business with the Sorrentino family since before Tyler was even thought of. Now as head of the Senerchia family it was his job to answer this favor. What made him even more inclined to answer was the person who made the call to him.

As Tyler and his men moved silently through the night, the sounds of gunfire echoed through the looming space of the warehouse. The air was thick with the smell of gunpowder and the metallic tang of blood. Tyler's mind was focused on one thing: finding Y/n Sorrentino, the current leader of the Sorrentino mafia family. Y/n was not just an ally; she was someone Tyler cared about more deeply than he dared to admit.

Tyler's heart pounded in his chest as he and his men navigated the chaos. Bodies of rival gang members littered the floor, and the flickering lights casted eerie shadows. Tyler's sharp eyes scanned every corner, every crevice, looking for any sign of y/n. He was growing worried at not being able to find the woman.

Then he saw her.

Behind a stack of old wooden crates, a figure lay crumpled on the floor a gun a few feet away. Tyler's breath caught in his throat as he rushed forward, his men forming a protective perimeter around them. He knelt beside her, his usually steady hands trembling as he gently turned her over. Y/n's face was pale, her eyes half-closed, and blood oozed from a wound in her side. He could feel his own face paling at the sight of the dark red staining her shirt.


Tyler whispered; his voice raw with worry as he tried to keep himself calm. This was the last thing he wanted to ever walk in on.

"Stay with me."

Y/n's eyes fluttered open, and she managed a weak smile that barely hid the pain she was in.

"Tyler... you came."

"Of course I came."

Tyler replied, his voice thick with emotion.

"I couldn't leave you to deal with this alone, you called that was all I needed."

He ripped a piece of fabric from his shirt and pressed it against her wound, trying to stall the bleeding. His mind raced with thoughts of vengeance, of destroying those who had done this to her but that had to wait. Right now, all that mattered was keeping her alive.
Y/n winced but didn't pull away as he pressed the fabric to her side.

"It's bad, Tyler really bad."

She murmured in a pained breath trying to keep the thoughts of the burning in her side pushed to the back of her mind.

"I didn't think... you'd come in time. Didn't think I'd get the chance to thank you for everything...before."

"Don't talk like that."

Tyler snapped; his voice harsher than he intended but he couldn't help himself as he listened to her.

"You're going to be fine I promise I'll see to it that you get the best care. Just hold on."

He motioned for one of his men to come over.

"Bowens get the car ready. We're taking her to Dr. Russo he'll be able to help her better than anyone else tell him it's an emergency. He owes me a favor have him meet us at the clinic."

Anthony nodded his head and hurried off pulling a cell phone out of his pocket as he walked to call ahead to the doctor. Tyler turned his attention back to y/n, his eyes softening. He brushed a strand of hair from her face, his touch gentle. Swallowing the lump that caused his throat to tighten.

"You're tougher than this."

He said quietly to her doing his best to try and keep her awake.

"You've got to fight you're not head of your family for nothing I know you can overcome this."

Y/n's hand found his, her grip surprisingly strong despite having lost a decent amount of blood already.

"Tyler... if I don't make it—"


Tyler interrupted her an urgency in his voice that neither of them had heard before.

"You're going to make it. I can't lose you, y/n I just can't."

She smiled faintly, her eyes shining with unspoken emotion, her tongue swiping out to wet her lips as she spoke.

"I always knew you cared about me."

Tyler's throat tightened as he gave her a weak smile trying to bring back some cockiness to his expression but failed.

"I care more than you know."

He admitted softly. The sound of approaching footsteps made Tyler look up, Anthony was back, nodding to indicate the car was ready. Tyler carefully lifted y/n into his arms, her head resting against his shoulder doing all he could to be careful of the wound.

"We're getting out of here."

He told her as he motioned for some of his men to stay and search for any of the other Sorrentino family members that were still alive.

"You're going to be okay."

As they made their way to the car, Tyler's remaining men provided cover, ensuring no one else dared to attack. The rain continued to pour, washing away the blood and grime, but not the worry that gnawed at Tyler's heart. He gently placed y/n in the back seat, then climbed in beside her, holding her head in his lap. His fingers shakily pushing the wet hair away from her face. He barked orders to the driver, and the car sped off, tires screeching on the wet pavement.

"Stay with me, y/n please I need you."

Tyler whispered for her ears only to hear, his voice breaking at the thought of losing her.

Y/n's eyes closed, but her hand remained firmly clasped in his.

"I'm not going anywhere I promise."

She whispered back, her voice barely audible she was doing everything in her power to keep from allowing the black behind her eyelids to consume her. Tyler held her close, his mind filled with thoughts of vengeance and anger. He would get back every last person who dared to even think of harming her, even if that meant watching the world burn. 

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