Chapter one

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Chapter one - i miss you

As the song ended the smoke cannons going off in the distance everything felt like it was going in slow motion. How did these 8 men just give their last performance for the year and make it so special?

As they all took their last bows to the crowd who were screaming at the tops of their lungs Hyunjin looked around the stage for one particular boy. His eyes came across Felix who seemed like he was also looking for someone on the stage. As their eyes met they both gave little smiles to one another.

This year was particularly rough for the duo because so many fans and management noticed their PDA and didn't agree with it. Even if it was all for fun it made the two boys estranged. This was the summer break they all desperately needed and deserved.

As they walked off the stage the screams faded as they were all rushed to the locker rooms to start getting changed.

Chan pulled everyone in for a group hug in one moment. "Guys I just want to say how proud I am of all of you surviving this last round of the tour." He said smiling and tearing up all at the same time.

Han grabbed onto the boys neck and gave him a good shake laughing. "You made us proud too daddy" Han said with a small laugh right at the end. The other boys joined in making dad jokes to Chan.

They all started getting dressed and ready for the showers. All chatting in between each member. Changbin screamed out atop everyone's own conversations "I CALL THE FIRST SHOWER" and ran with his clothing to the bathroom.

The other boys all shook their heads in laughter. As time progressed each one, one by one, grabbed their things making it to the shower. First was Changbin, then Seungmin, then Lee Know, Han followed right after, Chan proceeded after him, and then I.N.

Lastly was Felix and Hyunjin. Hyunjin bowed to Felix to allow him to go first watching as the younger boy smiled lightly and grabbed his belongings to the bathroom.

Chan asked if all the boys wanted to go out and celebrate after everyone was ready. They all agreed. Finishing a world tour was hard work and they all needed a night to let loose before their vacation. As they all continued getting ready one by one left the locker room to their respective cars to meet up later at the club.

Hyunjin heard his phone ding.

🐤Felix Yongbok LEE🐤

Hey Hyunjin I forgot my pair of shorts can you bring them in to me please?

Hyunjin smiled down at his phone and grabbed the boys shorts and knocked lightly on the door till he heard the sweet angels voice say loudly over the music playing "come in"

Hyunjin walks in and lays down the shorts on the counter at the same time water started coming from above the shower curtain which made him laugh.

"Felix what are you doing in there?" He chuckled lightly. Felix opened the top of the curtain laughing at the boy still splashing water down onto him. "Felix stop your gonna slip or something" hyung said laughing a little harder now.

As he turned to walk out of the bathroom he heard the younger boy speak up, "Hyung, will you stay in here and sit and talk to me?" Felix asked batting his long lashes. Hyunjin sighed and shook his head yes as he slumped down onto the floor taking his phone out of his pocket and setting it besides him. Felix retreated back into the shower after turning his music down on the phone.

He missed being able to talk to Felix alone. It reminded him of so many fun memories of when the two lived together and they stayed up late talking until the sun rose. That all stopped when the dating rumors started and management told them to separate and be less friendly. They even went far enough to separate the two living in different dorms.

"So are you excited for the break?" Felix asked. "Of course I am, sounds like Chan picked the perfect getaway for all of us." Hyunjin replied. Chan wanted a remote location for the break, somewhere where they wouldn't be bombarded with fans 24/7.

"What should we do once we get there?" Felix spoke up again waiting for the elder to respond. Hyunjin replied "I am not sure maybe skiing or golfing. Chan said there's a lot of activities on the campus"

"I was looking at some of the options on the brochure I can't decide what to do first." Felix said. "Well once you get out and we go to this party Chan said we leave bright and early tomorrow we can figure out a plan on the plane" Hyunjin responded.

The two continued to chat until Felix was throughly cleaned up. As Hyunjin got up from the floor to give Felix his space to get dressed the younger asked playfully "hyunnn can you hand me my towel??"

Hyunjin smiled and turned around with the towel to see a full naked, glistening angel standing there. He could feel his cheeks redden by the millisecond as he quickly handed Felix his towel and made his way out of the bathroom. Before he could even get to the door he felt a tiny hand wrap around his wrist.

This made him spin quickly to face the now semi towel clothed younger boy. The two stood there for a moment as Felix brought his hand up to Hyunjin face and lightly moved his bangs from his eyes. Hyunjin started to stutter "F-Felix what are you doing?" He shyly asked.

As the twos eyes met Felix said very softly "I just miss you hyun". This almost made Hyunjin melt. It was hard on both the boys to be apart from each other. "With the tour over and going on vacation maybe we can be close again?" Felix asked Hyunjin as he brought his other hand up to match the others on his cheek.

Hyunjin didn't know what to think. He knew what management thought and what the fans thought. He hung his head down and leaned in the youngers neck. Felix's hands moved to the soft hug as the boys were embracing.

"Felix, you know how badly I missed you?" Hyunjin smirked as his hands wrapped around the other's hips to finish the hug.

They stayed embraced for a few more minutes just inhaling each other's scents. That was until Felix's phone started ringing which caught both boys off guard. He noticed the caller id,

🐺Channie 🐺 calling

He answered the phone, "where are you guys Felix? We were suppose to meet at the club 20 minutes ago?" Chan screamed into the phone as the music behind him was blaring. "We are on our way soon, i used up the last of the hot water so Hyunjin is going to shower at the dorms real fast. We will be there in like half an hour" Felix responded.

Knowing Chan probably didn't even hear the half of it over the music he responds with "hurry up you two!!!" As the call abruptly ends.

The two boys stood there for a moment before Hyunjin spoke up "well I better hurry up if we are going to make it there on time" he smiled as he walked past the younger one pushing him out of the bathroom and getting ready himself.

Felix was slightly disappointed they weren't able to finish their conversation but they have three months of vacation to catch up.

The thought of being away for so long made him smile uncontrollably. He was more than ready for vacation and he hoped it would be as perfect as ever.

First chapter what y'all think????

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