Chapter three

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Chapter three- 13 hour flight

The next morning the group all arrived at the private airport they were flying out of. They all appeared one by one waiting in the area after their luggage was taken on board.

All of a sudden the last member made his way to the group. Chan head hung over, wearing black sunglasses and a black baseball cap was clearly in pain after the previous night of drinking.

They made their way onto the plane finding seats all over the plane. It was nice they could ride so comfortably. Some found seats open next to others. Others like Chan made his way to the end of the plane plopping down on the couch and falling asleep.

There were only two spots open so Felix and Hyunjin sat next to each other. This made Hyunjins heart race. He barely got any sleep his mind racing of the event of last night.

The captain came on and bowed to the young men. "Good morning everyone I am your captain who will be flying you safely to your destination" he smiled before making his way to the cock pit.

The plane proceeded to take off which made Felix a little uneasy. He was so scared of heights and flying. Hyunjin noticed the tension in the youngers body and reached over grabbing his hand squeezing it slightly. This made the angel look up and smile. Felix proceeded to place his head on Hyunjins shoulder getting comfortable and closing his eyes.

Felix also got no rest. Every time his eyes closed last night he was transported right back to the bathroom. Hyunjins hand exploring his body as the two could barely breath, moving in rhythm with the others body.

Felix was sound asleep on Hyunjins shoulder as he looked down and noticed he was still holding his hand. He began to quietly sneak his hand out of his grip but this made the younger one wrap both arms around Hyunjins arm. The elder smiled down at his angel.

As his hand was semi free know we began taking pictures of the sleeping boy next to him. Adding them to his album or Felix photos. He scrolled through his phone for another hour or so before falling asleep on top of Felix's head.

They were suddenly woken up by a drop in pressure. This made the whole cabin drop in the air. The lights flickered as the captain came on and asked for everyone to buckle up. Hyunjin quickly reached over and strapped Felix in as he could see the tears well up in his eyes. This was Felix worst nightmare.

He then strapped himself in and held Felix's hand as the boy looked down just tears streaming from his face. After a few scary seconds the plane stabilized. The captain came on and apologized for the sudden loss of pressure. He asked everyone to relax as there was nothing wrong and continued on with the flight.

Hyunjin looked over at Felix who was now shaking rapidly in his seat. Hyunjin squeezed his hand getting Felix's attention and asked if he was okay. Felix just gave him this look that said "please help me breathe". Hyunjin unstrapped Felix grabbing his hand and making this way to the bathroom in the back of the plane.

He sat Felix down on the toilet seat as he grabbed a cloth and began running it under cold water. Once the cloth was cold enough he squatted down the Felix's level and began patting the boys head with the cloth.

"Breathe for me Felix please" he pleaded as he noticed Felix still obviously shaken up over the planes accident. Hyunjin began to breathe loudly and slowly blowing small puffs onto Felix face as to remind him to follow his lead. Felix looked up and began to mimic his actions. This helped Felix slow his breathing down to match Hyunjins.

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