Chapter seventeen

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Chapter seventeen

Hyunjins POV

The next day we all decided to have a beach day. All of us getting up around noon we start packing the cars with towels, beach balls, and coolers filled with drinks. We head over to a slightly busy beach, it was such a gorgeous day out. All of us gabbing the supplies we make our way down to a more secluded part of the beach.

Han and I start laying down the towels and setting up the beach umbrellas as Chan and Seungmin start blowing up the beach balls. Felix and Minho set up the volley ball net and I.N. and Changbin bring over the coolers.

Once everything was set up Felix and I lay down on our towels adjacent to each other. Han, Changbin, and I.N. go straight for the water while the rest start playing a game of soccer. Felix laying on his stomach pulls out his diary from his bag and begins writing in it kicking his feet back and forth in the air. I watch as the beautiful angel gets lost in his writing and thoughts.

I end up falling asleep watching him, my dream starts out normal enough. Felix and I are at dinner together enjoying each other. Laughing and smiling at him I reach for his hand, then a loud noise, almost like a firework going off in my ear. Confused I look around the room and find Felix on the floor panting and holding his chest. Red starts to leak from him, I grab him holding him in my arms as I scream for help but no sound comes out. I look up and find Raymond standing over us holding the gun. Pointing it to my forehead I hear anothing soun.

Startled I scream awake, grabbing my head and sitting up I look around. My eyes meet with Felix, hes starring at me looking so concerned. "What? Whats wrong Hyunjin?" he asks worriedly. Feeling myself soften and I start to slow down my breathing, trying to gain control of my fear, "It must have been bad dream" I say quietly. Looking down I realize the hair on my arms is still standing on edge, that is until I feel someone gently touching my arm. My head comes up looking at Felix. "Are you sure your okay?" he asks me rubbing my arm. I can instantly feel myself relax into his hands as I nod my head.

Felix sits behind me as I lay back down onto his chest, he starts playing with my hair "do you want to talk about it?" he asks quietly. I shake my head no and just sink into his chest. We sit there like this just watching the guys play around in the water.

I.N. makes his way up to us with a volley ball in his hand "do you guys wanna play?" he asks getting onto his knees pretending to beg us. "Yea lets go play Hyun" Felix says as he lifts me up with him and we make our way over to the net. I am not a very athletic or sporty person but I am the tallest so everyone fought over me being on their team.

The teams were chosen as Me, I.N., Minho, and Han. The other team consisting of Felix, Chan, Changbin and Seungmin. Seems fair to me since Han and Minho are very competitive and so are Chan and Changbin. The rest of us just there trying to have fun.

"Alright I'll go first" Changbin says making his way over to the other side. Reaching up he smacks the ball and it barely just makes it over the net, han bumping it to Minho he then tried hitting it over the net but fails as it falls into the net. Laughing and jumping up and down Changbin screams out "YES one point for us!"

This continues back and forth for awhile before the final point comes down to Felix serving. If Felixs team scores then we lose. I watch as he concentrates on the ball in front of him and begins to toss the ball in the air. With a sudden smack we watch as the ball goes flying into the back of Chans head. "Oh my god Channie I am so sorry!" Felix exclaims running up to his team mate checking his head. Laughing Chan responds "I'm alright Felix but next time just aim a little higher" placing his hand on Felix's shoulder.

Now it was Hans turn to serve, we were still down two points. He reaches up and smacks the ball over the net. Chan sets it the Changbin who tries to hit it over the net but fails to do so. "Chan you set that so bad" Changbin says punching Chan on the arm. "Maybe if you were taller or jumped a little higher it would have worked" Chan slashes back laughing. "Aye aye aye maybe if you didn't lose your marbles a minute ago it would have worked" Changbin says back getting into position. Han serves again this time to Seungmin who was waiting in the back corner. He bumps it to Chan who then sets the ball to Felix. Running full speed at the ball he jumps and smacks it down over the net.

Cheering they all proceed to pick up felix and walk arounds screaming. "Alright can we eat now?" Han asks. We all clap in agreence making our way back and pulling out sandwiches and snacks.

After eating we all start relaxing, walking over to my bag I pull out my sketchbook and pencils. I begin drawing everything infront of me, taking in the scene around me. The waves crashing on to the beach, the sun shining though a few clouds, and a lone seagull walking along the sand. I get lost in a trance of drawing before I feel a pair of eyes on me, turning over I see Felix watching me draw. "You are so talented" he says scooting over to me looking over my shoulder as I continue to sketch. "Thank you my Angel" I say softly.

I continue drawing until I finish the sketch. Looking over my side I see that Felix has fallen asleep on the towel. Watching him sleep is so relaxing. He looks so soft as he dreams. I don't want this day to end but unfortunately as the sun set we all start gathering our stuff making our way back to the cars. Felix barely awake as he gets in next to me resting his head on my shoulder falling back asleep. I lean over and kiss his head "Sleep well my Angel" I say softly as Han drives us back to the house.

Pulling up to the house I proceed to carry Felix in who was still very much asleep. Bringing him up to our room I laid him down and covered him up. Walking outside I sit on the patio furniture on the balcony. Starring out into the now dark sky. My thoughts take over. Why was I dreaming about Raymond? He really wouldn't hurt Felix would he? I shutter at the thought of my Felix getting hurt. He's crazy and he can't hurt us anymore.

Broken out of my thoughts I hear a light "Hyunjin?" From behind me. Walking back into the room I see Felix groggily looking for me. "Hyunjin where are you" he asks. "I'm right here baby" I say making my way over to the bed pulling him in close to me. He melts right into my chest going back to sleep. The warmth of his body under the blankets surrounding me.

I feel so safe with him.

Kind of a filler but let me know what ya thinking so far!!!

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