6. cheating?

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The next day, Ellie wakes up before Katie wakes up.

Katie is still facing the other way looking cold has like no emotion.

Ellie looks at Katke with worry in her eyes and leans close to her.

Katie doesn't seen to react.

Ellie gently shakes her and whispers again.

Katie opens her eyes.

"You slept in quite the weird position"
Ellie chuckles and leans in close to her, caressing her face.

Katie still has a cold expersion on her face.

Ellie seems to notice that, so she leans even closer
"Katie...what's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm just not morning person." Katie dodges the question.

Ellie seems to realize she's dodging the question'
"Katie, you're lying. Please just tell me the truth."

"Its nothing really"
Katie goes to the kitchen and goes on her phone.

Ellie follows her and stands behind Katie, still concerned and not buying the "it's nothing" excuse.

Katie is texting someone and hiding something from Ellie.

Ellie sees her texting and asks.
"Who are you texting?"

"No one." Katie replies.

"Let me see"
Ellie leans closer to see who it is.

Katie hides the screen
"stop looking!" She yells.

"Then show me who it is"
Ellie continues to try to see the screen.

"Its just someone from school." Katie says.

"Well, whose that someone from school? Tell me their name."
Ellie is starting to get a bit jealous.

"Its no one important. I promise."
Katie replies.

"Then I don't see why you're hiding your phone if it's not someone important. Just tell me."
Ellie starting to get even more jealous.

"Why are you always being so nosy?"

"Because you're my girlfriend so I want to know who you hang out with."
Tries to look at the phone again.

Katie hides her phone so she can't see it.

"If you don't tell me who you're talking to, I'm not gonna stop trying to see your screen." Ellie mocks.

"It. Is. Someone. From. School."
Katie spells like you do for a child.

"What, do you have a crush on someone? Is that it? You're texting your crush?"
Ellie is getting frustrated.

"No I'm not. I'm with you." Katie says.

"Then why are you hiding your screen? Tell me the truth damn it."
Ellie is starting to get a bit mad now.

"Its Alice and her gang. But you don't know them because you go to a different school."
Katie says.

"Then why are you talking to Alice anyways? I thought she hated you.

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