17. the last night together p.2

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Ellie smiles softly and nods.
"A-Okay... well, if you're ready... I guess let's go in then..."

Katie sighs.
"Okay, lets go..."

Ellie gets out of the car and starts to walk towards the front door, waiting for you to get out and join her.
Katie comes to her and follows her walking next to her.
Soon enough, the two of them are walking up the front steps of the house and Ellie unlocks the door. She opens the front door and lets you in first.

Katie smiles and walkes in her house.

Ellie follows her inside and closes the door behind her. They are now inside Ellie's home, as the two of them begin to make their way over to the living room.
Katie takes a seat on her couch and Ellie sits next to her leaning back and sighs softly.

"So what now" Katie asks.

Ellie shrugs.
"I don't know... I guess now we just relax and watch the movie together. Like old times, right?"
"What do you say, you still wanna watch The Nightmare Before Christmas?.."

"That sounds perfect to me."
Katie smiles a bit.

Ellie smiles softly and nods her head.
"Then let's start the movie, it should be a good way to begin our night..."

"Yea perfect..."

She smiles and stands up, walking over to the TV and pressing play on the remote. The movie starts up and Ellie sits down again on the couch next to her. She looks over at her as all the nostalgia from the first time they watched this movie together, so long ago, starts coming back to her.

Katie smiles at her.
Ellie smiles back and leans her head gently against Katies.
"This... it's amazing how much I've missed all of this... how much I've missed you..."

"I missed you too..."
Katie smiles softly.

"Can I ask you something...?"
Ellie looks over at her after saying this.

"Yea, anything"
Katie replies.

"Is it... is it okay if I just... "
She sigh.
"Never mind, I was gonna ask something dumb anyway..."

"No ask please?"
Katie tells her.

"W-Well, I was gonna ask you if we could kiss... you know, one last time...? But if that's a stupid thing to ask, then that's o-okay, I'll let it go..."
Ellie says blushing and feeling embarressed.

Katie just kisses her.
Ellie returns her kiss, leaning in a bit further to make it last a little longer. She holds the kiss long and soft, closing her eyes and savoring the feeling.

Katie pulls away looks at her blushing.
"If it is out last night together we better make the best of it..."

Ellie smiles softly and nods.
"I agree... let's really make the most of our time together. Let's just... make this last night the best night of our lives, okay?"


Ellie opens her eyes and looks back at her.
"And it all starts with... this..."
Ellie moves in to kiss her again, this time for even longer. She holds the kiss for a long while until they have to break away to be able to breathe.
You can see that they really missed this.

Ellie smiles softly and leans her head gently against hers.
"Man, I think I've missed kissing you more than anything else since we broke up... I didn't realize how much I missed this until just now..."

"Me too.. I really missed you..."
Katie looks right into her eyes.

Ellie is completely speechless for a moment, this time being the one to close her eyes and savor the moment.
"And to think, this is our one lucky chance to experience this again... just the two of us, no strings attached, no problems or troubles... just this one last night together... I wanna make sure this is a night to remember..."
Katie nods in agreament.

Ellie smiles softly and pulls her in for another kiss, holding it and savoring it for a long moment before having to break away to get some air.
"That was... incredible..." she breaths.
Katie blushes at that sentence.

Ellie smiles softly and leans her head gently against hers.
"I think I've missed seeing you smile more than just kissing you... do you have any idea how long I've been wanting to see you smile again?"

"I'm sorry..."

Ellie shakes her head, smiling and pulling her closer*

"Don't you apologize... I'm just glad that I can see that gorgeous smile of your's again, just like I loved before. Seeing your face just lightened my day... it's been too long since I've been able to see that smile of yours... I don't even think I realize just how much I'd missed it..."
Katie hugs her tightly knowing that this will be one of the last times she gets to do that.

Ellie hugs her back again, tightly enough to pull her close. In a way, it feels almost like this is the first time the two have hugged in a while, despite the fact that they did plenty of hugging when you were together. It just feels... special, somehow. In this moment, Ellie is just thankful this is the second chance to hug and kiss her beautiful girl one last time.

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