18. the last night together p.3

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Katie snuggles closer to her.

Ellie rests her head on top of hers and smiles.
"God, I've missed being like this with you... I missed being able to cuddle you, and hold you, and have you hold me back. And I've just missed being this close to you, it feels like it's been forever... and I just wanna make the most of this moment, make every chance I get to hold you feel special, because it is special..."

Katie lays down on her chest, smiling.
"Yea same."

Ellie smiles softly and wraps her arms around you, holding you close to her chest. This moment is just pure heaven to Ellie, and you can honestly see just how happy she is as she holds her close.

They lay there like this watching the movie for a good thirty minutes.
It actually feels like time has slowed down as the two of them lay there watching the movie. It's just Katie and Ellie, just like it used to be. For just this night, you almost forget about the fact that they're gonna break up after the movie, it's like the past had never happened, and all that existed between the two of them was the present.

Katie smiles at her while being culled up in her chest.
Ellie smiles back and leans his head against hers. All she can feel now is her body pressing against her own and the warmth of her head pressed against her chest. It's like time has stopped, and she would happily lay like this forever. In a way, she really does feel a bit like back when they two were together, with how close they're lying against each other.

While they are watching the movie Ellie speaks up.
"Hey, uh... can I ask you something?"

"Yea, anything."
Katie replies.

"Well... after the movie ends... can we cuddle again? Just for a bit...? It's just that I've missed you lying against me like this, and it would be nice to just cuddle again, even if it's just for a few minutes..."
Ellie asks.

"Yes, of course I'm mean we are spending out last night together."

Ellie smiles softly, feeling very happy that she agrees.
"Good... cause it would be a bit of a travesty not to cuddle one last time... especially since I kinda miss it... and, if I'm being completely honest with you, I think I might end up missing it quite a bit after tonight..."

"Would you think about me?"
Katie asks her.

Ellie nods softly.
"Of course... I think I'll always miss things about you, even after we break up. The time we spent together was such a big part of my life for so long, and even after we break up, that's all still gonna be true... I wouldn't forget you if I tried... and who knows, maybe I'll even think about you every once and a while... who can know for sure how all of this is gonna go after tonight... but one thing will for sure is that I'll miss you..."

Katie starts to tear up at the thought of not being together anymore after tonight.

Ellie looks over at her and sees the tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Hey, hey, hey... it's okay, it's gonna be okay... don't you cry... this night isn't supposed to be sad, it's supposed to be a bittersweet send-off to one of the most valuable memories of both of our lives... I don't want you to start crying on a night like this... so, please, don't cry...."

"I'm sorry..I just.."
She cries.

As she keeps holding her, Ellie gently wipes the tears away from her cheek with her thumb and fingers before speaking.
"Hey, hey... shhh... shh... don't apologize, I understand, I-I really do... but, you know... it's a lot better for both of us if we can focus on the good in this situation. We can't change the fact that we're breaking up after tonight, but at least we can make our last night together a good one... right?"

"I know it just hurts. But it's the right thing..."
She continues to cry.

Ellie pulls her in a bit closer and holds her in her arms again.
"I know... I know, darling... I think we both knew all along that it would be like this, but it's still hard anyway... but I want you to know... in this moment, I don't want it to feel like my girl is hurting... I want you to be happy... so let's just... try our best to stay happy, even if it's just for tonight. Do you think we can give it a try...?"

Katie says confused. Didn't really understand it.

"Can we just try and stay happy together for tonight? I don't wanna see you sad, so for tonight, can we just try to forget that we're gonna break up afterwards and instead focus on the here and now? Just for tonight, can we stay happy..."
Ellie tells her.

Katie is trying to calm herself down.

Ellie smiles softly and holds her a little bit tighter, trying to comfort you by holding her close.
"That's my girl... there you go... now, let's just forget about all of the bad things going on right now and instead just focus on being happy together..."

Katie nods while snuggling more in her arms.

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