Chapter two;

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"Oh thank God that's over with..." Carolina groaned at the memory of all that paperwork, swinging the door of the military truck open and leaping down from the passenger seat.

She turned to look at the driver who had dropped her off; Will Lennox. She smiled politely and saluted him sloppily before checking to make sure her keys were in her pocket.

"Thank you for the lift, I hope it wasn' know, too far out of the way."

He shook his head. "It's okay. Now, make sure you've got your stuff ready by 7 this evening; you'll be working pretty late tonight. Because they need those vehicles repaired ASAP, you'll be staying on base for the next few days or so."

"Yeah, I know. I'll have my stuff by then."

Lennox smirked cheekily before gesturing vaguely behind him with his thumb as if pointing at the base itself.

"Don't forget, they're still trialing you. Until you're permanent, someone from N.E.S.T is always going to have to pick you up or drop you off from the base; and they'll probably keep doing the blindfold too."

Carolina felt like groaning in annoyance, but resisted; she still didn't know Lennox very well and he was still her superior. Instead, she nodded with a small smile.

"Okay, thank you, Mr Lennox, sir. I'll see you at 7." He gave her a short wave before assaulting the truck's gears and hauling it out of the driveway.

She had to smile at...what an interesting afternoon it had been. Sighing heavily she turned and made her way up the gravel path towards her front door before fumbling the keys from her pocket and shoving them into the lock.

She pushed the door to open it, but as usual, it stuck; the wood was swollen which made it difficult to push it through the door's frame.

Using her shoulder as a battering ram she thumped her full weight into the door, cursing loudly as it swung open and she went flying through; almost falling to the floor. Then she kicked the hellish thing shut before tromping up the hallway to her kitchen.

Her house wasn't flashy it was anything but; however it was a roof over her head, and it was affordable; just a simple two-bedroom house with a full bathroom and a spare toilet attached to her bedroom.

The backyard was barely mentionable; choked with weeds that she'd never gotten around to pulling up, and her basement doubled as both a rumpus room-slash-junk heap.

However, the rest of her home was relatively tidy, even if there were scuffs in the floorboards, cracks in the paint, and chips in the kitchen counter; it was her sanctuary.

The one thing about her home that she was proud of, was the double garage; the only part of the house that she kept immaculately clean.

There was always a table set with mechanical junk she was working on, whether it be cleaning a part or welding an entirely new one; there was always something there for her to use as a distraction from the everyday.

Dropping her keys onto the kitchen counter with a loud rattle, she opened her fridge and pulled out a carton of guava juice; twisting the lid off and drinking straight from the bottle.

It was a disgusting habit she'd developed from living with her dad, and visiting her tíos and cousins but now that she lived alone she did not need to worry about anybody else.

Not even if she had visitors over, because nobody was entitled to drink her guava juice.

She got territorial when it came to her sugar, a fact that wasn't difficult to see with the M&M packets constantly present in her pockets.

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