Chapter Thirty-two

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When Bumblebee and Mikaela pulled up in her driveway, Carolina all but bounded down the steps to greet the two; her hair flying out behind her as she did so.

"Hey!" she greeted, giving them a small wave as the yellow Camaro rolled to a gentle stop.

Out of habit from being around the Autobots on base at N.E.S.T, she placed a hand on the hood and gently traced her fingers across the paintwork.

The car rumbled a little before emitting a happy chirp, and then the radio crackled to life with the sound of Stan Bush.

"You've got the touch. You've got the pooowweeerrrr."

She gave a laugh at the choice of song from the little guardian as Mikaela, who was dressed in some old, black shorts and a ratty tank top in preparation for their grubby task, exited the vehicle with a scoff.

"He's just showing off for you," she smiled, placing a gentle hand on Bumblebee's hood, "he's a little bit of a charmer, aren't you Bumblebee?"

The little auburn haired mechanic laughed and shook her head in amusement at his antics, "Well, I hate to have to disappoint you, Bee; but I'm spoken for."

"Oh these words you wound me – unholy temptress - These violent delights have violent ends. - Who – is this man? – my dear." Cuts and clips of songs, religious preaches, and even a Shakespeare line were jumbled together to form the little Autobot's sentences and Carolina found it endearingly adorable.

Mikaela was silent for a moment but then asked a question before Carolina could answer Bumblebee's mashed-up inquiry.

"So, you and Optimus are official then?"

The mechanic in question blushed scarlet and began to itch the back of her neck nervously before she answered, "...yes, we are."

Bumblebee suddenly jolted forward slightly and made a noise like a vinyl record being skipped or rewound before a spluttering of aired lines made their way from the hood.

"Now back up there lil' lady – Shawdy back up say whaaaat – What's this conspiracy?" he played, revving the engine a little bit before rolling back and forth on his wheels.

That was when Carolina remembered, that Bumblebee wasn't around the Autobots these days; he wasn't in the loop on what had happened between her and Optimus recently.

All he'd been aware of was that they'd all gone on a group outing; not about Carolina and his commander being romantically involved.

With a heavy, embarrassed sigh, she put a hand on the hood of the Camaro and looked up at Mikaela; addressing both of them.

"Let's talk about this while we work on the Ford."

Once Carolina had cleared out the free spot in her garage, Bumblebee parked in there right next to the Ford so that they could shut the garage door and work in peace without the Camaro's true nature being revealed to her neighbors.

She filled Bee and Mikaela in on everything that had happened between her and Optimus as of late, having to stop and laugh when the car would interject with wolf whistles or a clip from a comedy rerun.

She and Mikaela worked hard on the Ford; Carolina had already known what needed to be done but she'd never had the time to be able to complete the job.

An extra pair of hands made all the difference today; because they managed to get it finished by late afternoon.

Rocking back on her heels and wiping her hands on a rag, Tess grinned up at Mikaela in pure glee as an idea raced through her mind.

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