Chapter Twenty-five

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Carolina had been excited to get back to N.E.S.T, as in actually excited.

Not only because she internally cherished the prospect of being able to see Optimus, but because she'd finished both Ironhide and Jolt's new weapons just before the weekend; however she'd not yet had time to fit them into their bodies.

That had been her agenda for the day, and her fingers had been itching to get it done all weekend.

Graham had been the one to pick her up for work that morning, and on the way to the base he had informed her that he'd used some of the movie vouchers she'd given him for a date.

She felt relieved that he was getting some joy from her seemingly generic gift.

Carolina was currently in the medical bay with a cutting torch in her hand and the welding mask on top of her head; her forehead perspiring and her muscles aching a little.

She had required Ratchet's assistance to complete the task, and as she'd watched him work she had taken as many detailed notes as she could.

The little mechanic had been so engrossed in thoroughly completing her task, that she had failed to notice the way Ratchet had been observing her with scrutinizing interest.

Her grasp of Cybertronian technology is getting better, he thought to himself.

As he watched her weld together the plating of Jolt's arm, he noted the way her book was filled with scribbled notes, diagrams, and colored tab tags, he suddenly felt it was a shame that she hadn't been born a Cybertronian.

Not only would it then have made her and Optimus' relationship much simpler, but she'd have easily excelled as one of their medics.

He suspected that with a few more years studying the way they worked, she could easily be on the same par as himself.

"Okay, Jolt; you're done," Carolina said with a smile.

The blue Chevrolet swung the legs of his bipedal form over the gurney and experimentally flexed the joints in his arms.

She had decided to install the water weapon, which she had finally termed 'Jet Preps' into both of his wrists instead of just his dominant hand.

She'd explained that if he were in battle and lost the use of one hand; this way there would always be a backup.

Needless to say, Jolt had been more than happy with her logic. Although the two of them weren't what you would call friends, they at least bore a mutual respect for one another.

He acknowledged her as a comrade and the mechanic who kept them in fighting form; and she respected him for his ability to protect her race, someone that she could entrust her life to.

"Well?" she prompted, "Go to the firing range and test it out. Oh, and when you get there; tell Ironhide that it's his turn!"

Carolina playfully turned the cutting torch on and off with the childishly evil grin she liked to wear when she was feeling playful.

The blue Autobot gave the closest thing to a smirk that his substance matter would allow, before nodding and exiting the medical bay.

When he was gone, the mechanic exhaled tiredly before pulling off her welding gloves, tossing the confining spark-safe mask onto the now empty gurney.

She ran a hand through her damp, sweaty hair before untying it, bunching it tightly, and rebinding it into its elastic; hopping up onto the berth so that she could dangle her feet over the side.

"You should take a rest you know," Ratchet said calmly.

Turning her head up to look at him as he arranged his tools, she shot him a grin, "Don't be silly, Ratch. I'm fine!"

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